Chapter 11

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"Well this is it." Cole said pointing to a quaint village up ahead. This place seems so familiar yet I have no memory of it at all. I know I've never been here before but I can't help the feeling that Cole is one hundred percent right, and I was born here, but I can't remember anything about this place.

"C'mon. I'll lead the way." Cole said. I stayed as close as I could next to him without bumping into him. We passed a weathered out sign as we entered the village.

Welcome to Dewcrest!

The words were almost unreadable, this sign hasn't been touched or maintained in what seems like years. The village was lively which made me wonder why the village sign was in such disrepair. As we went deeper into town I was given a whole range of looks. Maybe they are wondering why I look so young, or maybe they know who I am.

"Alright. Here it is." Cole said stopping in his tracks making me bump into his back. I looked in front of him to see a small house that was a little run down but still in good condition.

"Go on. I'll wait right here." Cole said nudging me forward. I stood there and waited. My heart felt like it was jumping out of my chest. I've never been this nervous not even when I escaped, or found Silva.

"What are you waiting for? There nothing to worry about." Cole said egging me on. I nodded in response. I slowly made my way to the front door. My heart pounding away at my ribcage making every heartbeat feel like a bone is breaking. The front door seemed enormous as I felt like the size of an ant. I lifted an arm to reach for the doorknob I noticed I was visibly shaking from the anxiety.

I let my arm drop back to my side and I turned back to Cole and shook my head. Cole jogged over towards me with a smile on his face.

"Nervous?" He asked.

"Very. I... I don't think I can do this."

"Sure you can." Cole said with enthusiasm. "Here, let me go in first." Cole opened the door and walked in leaving the door wide open.

"Cole! it's nice to see you again. Where have you been?" A woman's voice said cheerfully from inside.

"It's nice to see you too!" Cole replied. "I've been busy with resistance related stuff. By the way there's someone here I want you to see."

"Well, any friend of yours, Cole, is a friend of mine. Come on in, don't be shy." The woman called out to me.

I guess that's my cue, I better show myself.

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