Chapter 10

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"I don't know why or how exactly Lucas." Cole explained. "But it's a sign! It basically screams chosen one!"

"But I want to know why I lived!" I yelled at him. "There has to be some reason why!"

"We will find out together Lucas. The resistance will help you. We all can figure this out."



"I said no. I said before my one condition in order for me to join was for you to answer all my questions."

"But... I did answer your question." Cole said.

"No, you didn't. All you did was lie to me Cole." I said irritated.

"I know, I'm sorry. Just please come with me to the resistance. You can-"

I cut him off. "No. You come with me to Dewcrest so I can see my parents. Then maybe I'll go with you, only after I see my parents."

"Okay. That's fine with me."

"And if you even think about misleading me and taking me farther away from Dewcrest, I have two choices. Either I kill you with this gun I have. Or I'll turn the resistance in, ultimately resulting in all your deaths."

"One thing, guns don't work anymore. They basically became a big paperweight." Cole said bluntly.

"Fine. Option two it is if you trick me." I said with annoyance in my tone of voice.

"Fair enough. C'mon. This way." Cole said walking away. I gathered the little amount of things I had and followed behind Cole.

We continued walking for hours and hours on end. I stopped and stood under the shade of a large tree. I leaned against the large trunk and slid down until I was sitting on the grass. Cole stopped and turned towards me. He smiled. "Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah. How much longer do we have to walk until we get to Dewcrest? It's already morning." I asked Cole. Cole looked in the direction we were headed and turned back to me. "About half a days walk." Cole replied.

I sighed loudly and stood back up. I began walking back the way we are headed. "Hey Lucas."

"Yeah Cole?" I asked. "What is it?"

"You still have that gun. What are you going to do with it?" Cole said. "I already told you that guns do not work anymore, so why carry it still?"

"I don't know. I-I feel like it will be of importance soon. It's a gut feeling but I'm not entirely sure. I could be completely wrong but I'll just hold onto it for a little bit longer." I explained.

"Okay. You do you I guess. I would toss it if I was in your shoes, but you do whatever you want with it." Cole said.

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