Chapter 2

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I made my way into the outskirts of my home town. I turned and looked at how small my home looked from where I was currently. Sorry mother, sorry father, you guys put this upon yourselves by not letting me out of that room. I sighed and turned back, walking away from the town. I headed into the forest just outside of town. I kept walking for what seemed to be hours. My legs started to feel weak so I stopped walking and sat down. I remember my parents teaching me when I was little. They would always talk about how much they loved nature and studied science the most, thus teaching me about it a lot.

I built a campfire and huddled near it for warmth. Over the crackling of the campfire I heard the howling of wolves. Ignoring it I slowly drifted off into sleep.

I sat on the floor with mother and father reading cards with images on them to me.
"Lucas, what does this say?" Mother said playfully holding up a card with a picture of an apple and the word apple underneath the image.
"Apple!" I said happily back.
"Good! Now what does this say?" Father said holding up a card with a picture of a wolf with the word wolf underneath the image.
The image of the wolf jumped off of the card and started to move towards me, growling.

I awoke to the sound of growling. I looked around frightened until I locked eyes with the glowing yellow eyes of a wolf on the other side of the dim fire. My heart began to beat faster and faster until it felt like it was breaking my ribs. The wolf inched closer revealing its snout and bared teeth. I was frozen from fear but I knew I have to do something or else I would get ripped apart from the wolf in front of me. I took a shaky breath in and let it out trying to calm myself down. I slowly stood up and the wolf started to growl louder.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Okay? I won't hurt you."

The wolf's growling grew quieter and its teeth became less bared. It looked at me with its yellow eyes with sympathy and emotion almost as if it understood me. The wolf kept staring at me, no growling or bared teeth. I could feel my legs start to give out from fear and I slowly went back down to the ground keeping eye contact with the wolf. Once I was sitting again the wolf walked over to me and was sitting on its hind legs right next to me.

"Uh... hi?"

The wolf laid down across my lap and stayed there. Still scared and unsure of how to process what's going on, I started to pet the wolf. Eventually the wolf fell asleep on my lap. I stared at the night sky, amazed at what just happened. I looked back at the sleeping wolf. I got as comfortable as I could without disturbing the wolf and closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep for the rest of the night.

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