Chapter 8

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"Who's there!?" I yelled jolting up from the ground.

Hoo! Hoo!

"Oh... it's just an owl." I said trying to lower my heart rate.

I laid back down on the ground and stared at the stars. Their vastness kept me mesmerized and hopeful. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep through the duration of the night.

Silva got up and began growling. I sat up and looked where she was looking but couldn't see anything because it was pitch black out. I blew on the campfire to give it a little more life and the flame grew a little bit bigger making the area I could see around me a little more larger. I looked back to where Silva was growling towards and I saw a silhouette of a person.

"Just so you know, I'm armed and not afraid to kill if I have to." I said placing a hand on my gun.

"Lucas? That is your name right?" The person called out.

"No." I lied. "My name is Logan"

"Okay Logan. I need to speak with you. Can you make your wolf not kill me?" The person asked.

I snapped my fingers and Silva stopped growling and laid down beside me still keeping an eye of the stranger. "What do you need?"

"You Lucas."

"I told you before that's not my name. My name is L-"

"Lucas. You're name is Lucas." The person cut me off.

"Give me one reason why I should make this wolf rip you to shreds." I threatened.

"Because I know all about you Lucas."

"Everyone does." I scoffed. "Lucas the lone survivor. This isn't the first time I've heard about that. So cut to the chase or you're dead."

"I know why you survived the plague."

All my frustration boiled down and curiosity began building up inside me. "How do I know you're not just trying to turn me into my parents for the reward?" I asked out of suspicion.

"Because they aren't you're real parents. Your real parents are in the city of Dewcrest."

"You're lying!" I shouted.

"Think about it Lucas. How was your living place before you escaped?"

I paused. Memories of my room began to flood back. Barely anything, guards at the door, cramped space. "It... it was a prison. Wasn't it?" I asked.

"Lucas, the people you call mother and father had kidnapped you when you were very young. They took you away from your real mom, your real dad, and me."

I stood up. "Who are you exactly." I asked.

"Your best friend, Cole."

ElementalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora