Chapter 14

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I finally got out of my last class for the first day of senior year. Today was finally the day that I didn't think about Minseok.

"Min Jee." Taemin waved as soon as I got out of school.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, stepping down the steps. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"My school doesn't start till next week." He then grabbed me from my waist and whisper hastily in my ear. "Did you not want your boyfriend to visit?"

"You're not my boyfriend." I pushed him off.

Every since he tried to kiss me, he has been acting very flirty and touchy.

Last week, we were only an atom away from a kiss, but I pushed him off. Even though he confessed to me, I still clung onto Minseok.

Of course Minseok does not know about this. He didn't visit me not contact me so it's his loss.

"You're right for now. But you'll have a change of heart soon." He smirked against my hair, still holding me very close.

"Stop it, people are staring." He finally let go.

Classmates whispered to each other. It wasn't a usual thing to see me wrapped in a boy's arm.

"Who's this?" A prep asked as she and her group cat walked towards us.

"Min Jee's boyfriend." Taemin smirked.

"You wish." I glared at him. "He's just a stupid I met."

"Really? So I can have him?" The main prep smirked, looking him up and down.

"Of course you can have me." He winked at the prep, who smiled flirtatiously back.

I felt a sudden anger boil beneath me. I pulled his arms and motioned for him to start walking.

"The names Taemin." He introduced.

"And you have to go study with me." I brought up.

"I'm Hyuna." Both of them ignored me.

"Why not we trade numbers? I'd love to go coffee." He offered.

"Why not we go study?" I tugged at his arm.

As the two continued to ignore me and trade numbers, I walked off.

I felt my face completely flush red with heat. What does Hyuna think she's doing Taemin? Taemin is my friend, not her little play toy.

The way they flirted almost made me throw up.

"Min Jee, why did you just leave me?" He quickly caught up to me.

I pretended I didn't hear and continued down the street. I didn't want to talk to him.

"Min Jee? If it's about me touching you like that, than I'm sorry." He started.

I still continued to walk, trying to shut him out.

"Seriously? I don't think I've seen you this mad." He pouted behind me.

"Why do you care?" I whipped around to finally face him. "Go back to the prep. I'm sure she needs you."

"Min Jee is jealous?" He started to tease. "Does this mean you already had a change of heart?"

"No, I just don't want you around that girl. She's a prep." I turned back around and walked home.

"Maybe you and Minseok were meant to be." He sighed over my shoulder. His arms wrapped around me once again, stopping me from walking.

"I said to not do that." I tugged at his grip.

"You both had the same conversation. One was jealous the other was getting love. When in reality, one should love the other." He chuckled into my ear.

"Stop that." I rubbed my goosebumps filled ear. "It's weird."

"I guess I have competition still, but at least now I know at least you have some feelings for me."

"I said I wasn't jealous!" My face was still heated

"Another reason why you made me fall in love with you; you must take control. I like girls who will stand for themselves."

I felt his soft lips against my ears. I pushed his head away, completely disgusted.

"That was gross." I wiped his germs away from my ear.

As more people walk past us, his grip got tighter. It was almost like he was protecting me from other people.

"Maybe you should let go of me." I tried to push his chest away.

"But I don't want anyone touching you. I want you all to myself." He puffed his cheeks out.

"Excuse me?" I found this statement very creepy.

"Not like that. I'm not a pervert." He scoffed.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I just don't want someone to harm you."

"No one will harm me if you let go of me." I rolled her eyes.

"You may never know." He protested. He would not let me.

"You're so stubborn." I grabbed the keys to my house out of my pockets.

"Can you please cuddle with me now?" He snuggled his head into my neck and closed the door behind us using his foot.

"No, get yourself pillows." I finally pushed him.

"Jaaaggii." He sang. "Why don't you love me?"

"Because, like I said to Minseok, you deserve better." I plopped my bag onto the floor.

"But I don't want better if I already have best." He started, dragging his fingers down my left cheek.

"Well, you gotta settle for what you got. I don't want to deal with boys in senior year." I shrugged.

"Don't you want company?" He rose a brow.

"I don't want bad company." I sighed.

"I'm not bad company." He rolled his eyes. "Hyuna is bad company."

"Really?" I scooted away from him. "You both looked ready to get it on there and then."

"I know. That's good, because I wanted to make you jealous." His small smile pulled into a smirk.

"I said I wasn't jealous." I push him away.

"Fine fine, you aren't." He hopped closer to me, hot breathe tickling my ear. "But you still have feelings for me."

"Yes. They're called hatred." I got up from the couch, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Not for long."

Taemin got off the couch. His hand grazed down my arms as he pulled me closer into him.

"I will endure all the teasing words you say. I will hold you no matter how hard you try to escape. I will prove to you that I am worthy to have you in my heart." He caught his breathe. "I love you Park Min Jee."

Those three words again. They made my heart ache. I felt the words clash into my chest.

Why were boys so complicated lately?

Out of all the boys, I expected Taemin to never confess. I only called Taemin to relieve all the Minseok stress. It worked for a while, but now both of them said the three words.

"Taemin. I don't know what to say." I looked down. "I thought you were just playing flirty games."

"I would never use you like that." He bent over and tilted to his head underneath mine. He was able to see my eyes from his angle.

"Liar. You're just one of those pretty boys that lead girls on."

"I want to prove to you I'm not. Before your feelings slowly leave your mind."

Annyeong! I know you've all been hwaiting for my update, so here it is. I really hope you enjoyed. I love reading your comments btw c;

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