☆everything you touch it surely dies☆

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This is a story of a girl that developes a quirk in such a young age.

Being an little girl who doesnt even know how to control or use it.

"Mommy? Do you know whats my quirk?" She asked in a very cute tone, her mommy smiles "lets go and see." She said as she patted her daughters soft hair "now get ready were going to check what yoyr quirk is..." she said with a sweet smile to her daughter.


The girl is excited seeing her doctor and check what her quirk is. Her mom just looked at her young girl getting excited as she giggled.


They both made it to the doctors room as they both enter "hi!!!" The little scream as she runs around in circle "heh...hyper as usual huh (Name)?" The doctor said as he smiled at the hyper girl "now lets see what your quirk is..." he said as the little sit down at the chair in front of me with a small sweef smile covering the girls face, as her mother is behind you.

After the doctor check what her quirk is, he sigh heavily making your mother worried "just a minute..." he stands up from his chair as he got a little bird on his hand "now (Name) try holding thus bird..." he said as he offers the burd to the happy-go-lucky girl.

The girl holds the little bird as she pat it gently. Suddenly the birds feather us getting rip of as if it was getting burned. The birds brown eyes turn black as the birds wing trying to flap away as it turn into ash.

Your mum cover her mouth as she hold her cry as the doctor sigh, the looked at the both of them confuse "mommy? Whats wrong with my quirk? Why did the bird fade away...?" The girl asked as her mother tries her best not to cry "Ms.(Last)? Can i talk to yoy for a minute?" The woman nodded "we'll be right back (Name). Stay put." Her mum said as the little girl nodded.


"Whats wrong with my daughter's quirk? Why did the bird die when she hold it?" The woman asked as she start tearing up "her quirk is very dangerous and very rare. It can only have a person if it has on their family member..." he explain "but my family dont have any quirks liks that!" She said "maybe in your old relatuves that passed away..."he said as the woman keeps on tearing up "t-tell me whats her quirk?" She asked the doctor "its...*sigh* its lifeless quirk...every sge touch or hold dies or turn into ashes..." the man explained, the woman just cry for her daughter's situation.


As the her mother and her doctor finaly finish their conversation as the girl looked at her mother confuse.

Her mother was looking down as if she seen a ghost "mommy?" The little girl ask as she came closer to her mother, her mother backed away as she came closer "mommy whats wrong?" The girl ask as she stop her tracks "hey (Name) why wont you wear this glovez so you can come closer to your mother?" The asked as the girl looked really confuse as she did what the doctor said, she put thr gloves on her hands.

She's now wearing the gloves but it turn into ashes made her mother cry "mommy?" She came closer "no! Stay there!" Her mother shout/said "mommy what wrong? Im getting confuse...?" She said innocently "how about ill explain it to you (Name)?" The doctor asled as the nodded.

She looked at her mom crying and eyes windened.


The doctor expalin everything on the little girl. She came closef to her mother but not close enough "all right...mommy...now i get it...its better if i...i...i stay from you amd daddy..." the girl said as she started crying "im sorry (Name) mommy cant do anything about it im sorry!" Your mom apologized as she held her mouth crying.

The girl needed a hug ffom her mother. But because of her quirk she cant, this made her despise her own quirk and hate her self.


There yah go! First chapter hope you like it!!!

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