Chapter One

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      Yuu sighed tilting his chair back, throwing his head up towards the ceiling. He raked his hand through his hair, closing his eyes. They're all so loud. Why can't they just be quiet like Ferid and Krul. He bit his lip, covering his ears with his hands. They're so damn loud.  

      "Yuichiro Amane! Sit correctly and pay attention! If I have to redirect you a third time I'm sending you to principle Ichinose!" He hissed in pain as he lost balance and hit the ground. The clattering of the chair caused snickers and taunts to burst through the room. 

      "Crazy shouldn't even be here. I'm surprised they even kept him at the orphanage."

      "Right? He deserves to be in a psych ward, not here with normal people." Yuu scowled, clenching his fists as he sat back down after fixing his chair. They're so stupid. I just like the darkness. It doesn't make me any different from the rest of them. But he knew it didn't matter. He would always be the freak. No matter what. Talking to people that didn't exist and liking something as scary as the dark just didn't cut out for normal. 

      "Hey Nycto, hope you have your imaginary friends to keep you company. Because nobody is ever going to like a freak like you." Yuu rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to answer to the taunt. 

      "Who says that they won't leave either? He'll never have anyone in his life by the time he graduates. If he even manages to do that." A girl snickered. "That's just what happens when you have imaginary friends." 

      "Huh. Well, Ferid and Krul are more real than your whole "growing" career and life." Yuu snapped, narrowing his emerald eyes, sass edging the remark. The girl clenched her fist, before smirking at him. 

      "Yuichiro is being rude to us when all we're doing is trying to be nice to him!" She exclaimed, standing up, fake tears beginning to fall. He stood up, scowling at her. 

      "She's lying! I was no-"

      "Yuichiro! Principal's, now." The teacher snapped, and he opened his mouth in shock. 


      "Now!" Yuu bit down on his tongue to stop himself from yelling a string of words that would get him in even more trouble and grabbed his books, knowing he'd get suspended. Again. He stalked out of the classroom, leaving the group of kids laughing loudly. 

      "Great, my luck is that I'll be suspended and Mahiru will lock me in the closet again." He groaned. A figure materialized in the dark corner he was going towards, revealing Ferid. 

      "You could always run away like you planned on doing." He suggested, walking as close as he could without getting into the light. Yuu shook his head. 

      "They're going to be watching me even closer now. You know this." He scowled, and Ferid chuckled. 

      "You're so pessimistic Yuu. Krul can create illusions, remember?" He mused, clasping his hands behind his back. Yuu shot him a look. 

      "What about it?" He asked, and Ferid smirked. 

      "Dense as always. She can create an illusion of you, silly. You can run away, and she keeps an illusion of you around. Simple." Ferid looked over at Yuu as what he said dawned onto him. Yuu blinked, his eyes brightening and he was about to speak before two girls walked past him, giving him strange looks. He looked down at the ground until they turned the corner. He looked over back to where Ferid was and sighed when he realized that the male had disappeared. 

      "Might as well get this over with." He sighed, looking at the door to the office before stepping up, pushing it open and walking inside. 

      "Two months?!" Yuu flinched at Mahiru's high pitched yell. He nodded meekly. She narrowed her eyes, scowling at him. "You're just asking to be thrown in the closet, aren't you?" She snapped, running a hand down her face. "You're damn lucky that someone new has been placed here." She growled, and started to walk towards the "living room."

      "Why am I lucky because of that? Er, I mean, why is it such a big deal?" Yuu ran after her, and he stopped, blinking at her laugh. 

      "Because, Yuichiro, apparently he's like you. So maybe you'll actually have someone to talk to." She smirked and he straightened up excitedly. 

      "Really?!" He asked and she laughed shaking her head. 

      "No he's a normal person just like everyone else here. But you're going to be expected to make sure all of his needs are seen to." The violet haired woman smirked as she walked into the room where children were on the floor playing. He blinked, walking over to a corner. A small pink haired woman's materialized enough to where she was seeable, but he could see the wall behind her. 

      "You'll be fine Yuu, don't worry. This could be your chance to make a friend." She murmured, placing a hand on his reassuringly before disappearing again. 

      "Now everyone, come meet your new brother! His name is Mikaela Shindō, and he's one of the oldest here now. I'd like you to make sure he feels very welcome and like he belongs here," why wouldn't he? He's normal, "and if he needs help please help him out!" Yuu looked up, meeting the brilliant blue gaze of a blonde, who smiled brightly at him. 

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