Chapter Two

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      Yuu's first thought:


      Yuu's second thought:

      He'll fit into the popular crowd within five minutes. 

      Yuu's last thought:

      He's normal. 

     "Hi! You know, you don't have to stare at me for an introduction. I was gonna come over to you anyways!" The blonde giggled, appearing in front of him. Yuu yelped and blinked at what he had said. 

      "Was I staring? I didn't realize I was staring." He began to ramble and the blonde giggled again. 

      "It's fine, I mean, I would probably stare at the new kid too. Anyways, I'm Mikaela Shindō. You can call me Mika, if you'd like. What's your name?" Mika tilted his head, smiling brightly. 

      "Yuichiro Amane, but, er, you can call me Yuu." Yuu inwardly cringed at himself. First time actually having a normal conversation with a normal human being and you're gonna screw it up. 

      "Nice to meet you, Yuu. Let's be friends!" Mika grinned at him, and he blinked in surprise. 

      "You want to be friends? But why. I'm a stranger, and you don't know this, but if you're friends with me no one else will like yo-" Yuu started to protest before Mika shrugged as he cut him off, smiling at Yuu. 

      "I don't really mind if others don't want to be my friend. It's their own loss. But you seem really cool and I'd rather be friends with you than snobby 'popular' people. Besides, why have a bunch of fakes as friends when you can have one true friend?" Mika said, holding his hand out towards Yuu. 

      "Point taken. Let's be friends." Yuu murmured, nodding. Krul materialized next to him, studying the blonde boy. 

      "He looks nice. I'm sure that you two will become close friends. Though it depends on if you tell him why you aren't socially accepted or not." She mused, smoothing her dress down, red eyes taking Mika in. What's the point in telling him why no one likes me if he doesn't need to know? He looked at her, knowing Mika wouldn't be able to see her before turning back to him. 

      "I see you've met Yuichiro. You two will be roomed together. Your stuff is already inside, so Yuu just has to show you where the room is. If you have any questions you can ask him or come find me." Mahiru smiled at Mika before giving Yuu a glare. He scowled, clenching his fists. Krul made a face at her. 

      "Annoying. Go away, nobody likes you." She muttered and Yuu rolled his eyes. I love Krul but she needs to remember that I'm the only one who can see her. 

      "Alright,  Yuu, let's go. We can get to know each other better some more while I unpack." Mika suggested, and Yuu noddded. He started towards the stairs while Mika followed him and Mahiru narrowed her eyes, watching them. Yuu led him into the bedroom, perching on the edge of the desk while Mika walked over to the vacant bed and began pulling clothes out of a small suitcase. 

      "So what do you want to talk about?" Yuu asked, swinging his feet back and forth slightly. 

      "Hmm, let's talk about interest and dislikes first?" Mika suggested, putting his clothes into the dresser next to the bed. Yuu nodded. "Okay, first up. Favourite color?"


      "Green, now, favourite season?"


      "Spring. Hmm, favourite holiday." 

      "Don't have one."

      "Really? Hmm, actually, I don't think I have one either. How old are you?"

      "I'm sixteen." Yuu ran a hand through his hair, watching as Mika crawled onto the bed, sitting down and crossing his legs.

      "I'm seventeen. I know, I only look fifteen.  Hmm, why don't people like you?" Mika asked, blue eyes questioning. Yuu froze at the sudden question.

      "It's stupid. It's nothing that you need to worry about, I promise.  Ca-"

      "Yuu, I want to know. It won't change my opinion of you, I swear. I just want to know. I know there's a reason. I heard people talking about you." Mika said, tilting his head slightly. Yuu sucked in a breath, and Mika blinked. 

      "Nyctophilia. And I see things, usually people, that others can't." Yuu braced himself for the reaction of disgust everyone gave him, but instead Mika looked almost interested. 

      "Really? You can see invisible people? So they're like fey? That's so cool!" He exclaimed, blue eyes glowing enthusiastically. Yuu looked at him shock. He's okay with it? Wait, what are fey? He looked up when he heard Ferid snort. The tall male walked from the closet, his silver hair hanging down in his usual ponytail. 

      "We're not like the fair folk. We are so much better than those fairy idiots." He rolled his eyes, coming to stand beside Yuu. Yuu looked at him, tilting his head. 

      "What're the fair folk?" He asked and Ferid snickered. 

      "Stupid fairies and elves. Little things that don't matter." Ferid snickered, and Mika looked at Yuu and the air where Ferid was. 

       "Is someone there, Yuu-chan?" Mika asked in excitement, eyes sparking. Yuu-chan? Yuu blinked at the name before hesitantly nodding. 

      "His name is Ferid..." He murmured and Ferid snorted. 

      "Nobody expects an angel to ignite a city on fire." He mused, before disappearing. 

      "What does- never mind. So you don't find this weird?" Yuu asked hesitantly, crossing his arms over his chest. 

      "Nope! I actually think it's really cool!" Mika clapped, scooting off of the bed and walking over to the desk. "I don't care what others say or think about you, Yuu-chan. I'm going to be your friend! I promise that won't change!" He grinned, causing Yuu to blink and his face grew slightly pink. Maybe this will be good...

Nyctophilia {Mikayuu}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang