Chapter Three

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      To be honest, Yuu's day seemed to be going even worse than ever. By himself, the teasing and taunting was smaller. But with Mika, a "normal being with potential," everyone seemed to target him.

      "Mikaela-San, what do you really get out of hanging around with Yuichiro? He's a total loser. A freak. You could get so much more if you were part of my crowd." Yuu rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers on his desk. Shinoa Hīragi, Mahiru's younger sister, sat on Mika's desk, her legs crossed over each other. She was in the usual black and green uniform, and her hair was usually always pulled up in a braided crown like state. 

      "He's my friend. You should really get to know him. It's not like he's really crazy or anything. He's just more open minded than some people," the blonde spoke casually, examining his book. Yuu realized that he had a way with words, a way that he only had to speak once and whatever he said went. Yuu wasn't sure how but it had been happening ever since Mika arrived. At the orphanage it was easy, school was a different story. 

      "Friend? Come on, he sees invisible people and he likes the darkness. You know that people get possessed even easier in that time. The fact that he's perfectly okay with it surely means that he's been possessed." Shinoa exclaimed as she placed her hands on the desk. Mika chuckled, his blue eyes glowing. 

      "Come on do you really know that for a fact? Just because your older sister and Guren Ichinose managed to convince the country that 'evil creatures who prey on the mind' wander the streets during the night doesn't mean it's true. If you really want to believe that just like everyone else here, very well. That's perfectly fine. But it makes you no better than us, really." Mika looked at her in the eyes, and she huffed in annoyance. 

      "'Us?' What do you possibly mean by that?" Her eyes narrowed and Mika laughed. Yuu looked between the two, before seeing Krul. She yawned as she walked over to him.

      "What are they fighting about?" She asked then shook her head. Of course she already knows. She's been here the whole time. Green eyes did a once-over of the place for the silver haired male who usually appeared sooner or later after Krul. But Ferid wasn't in sight or even hidden, so if he was in the room he was hidden incredibly well. 

      "Well, you all believe that my poor best friend is some demon just because he feels comfortable to things not well known. So you mock him and treat lesser than he is. And we're not really any better, I suppose. I've been here for almost a week, and we do exactly what you tell us to do. If you taunt us, we agree. To be honest, this whole idea of Yuu being a possessed demon is ridiculous. He's a human being no matter what. If anything you're the ones who are freaks." Mika stood up swiftly, his eyes narrowed slightly. "So if that's all you came to do, try to convince me to join a group as pathetic as you, it's best you leave. I reject." Yuu blinked at him in surprise as Krul laughed. 

      "Boy's got sass. He's a keeper, if you ask me. I'd try keeping him as a friend. He could probably break your shell too." She giggled and he jerked his attention towards her, rolling his eyes. Shinoa was stuttering and blushing fiercely in embarrassment before jumping off the desk and stomping out of the classroom. They were in their lunch period, and they had found a vacant classroom before Shinoa had came along. 

      "Tch, haven't people figured out that I don't wanna be their friends? Only one who I want to be friends with is you." Mika looked over his shoulder and grinned brightly. Yuu looked back over at him before glancing down. 

      "Do you really think being my friend is a good idea? I mean, you'll get this treatment for the rest of higschool if you continue being my friend. You can still go back and take up Shinoa's offer. Besides, she's like, the younger sister of Mahiru. You'd get even more of a chance of getting adopted if you're closer to the Hīragi's. It's been done before." Yuu muttered. Krul shot him a look, her red eyes narrowed. Mika sighed and walked over to him. 

      "Listen Yuu-chan, I said I'd be your friend, didn't I?" He asked, placing his hands on Yuu's cheeks and tilting his head up. Yuu gasped softly at the touch before nodding hesitantly. 

      "You did." He murmured and Mika smiled. 

      "Than I'm going to be your friend. Just cause some idiots want to try making you feel low won't stop me. Don't be silly. Me going hanging out with Shinoa and her lackeys? I'd do anything other than that." Mika laughed and Yuu smiled. Krul chuckled and placed her hands on her hips. 

      "I'm so beating Ferid." She grinned devilishly and disappeared into shadows. Yuu frowned and Mika tilted his head. 

      "What is it Yuu-chan?" He asked and Yuu shook his head quickly. 

      "Not you! Er, Krul said something confusing before she disappeared." Yuu said and Mika shrugged. 

       "Well, if she disappeared than there's no use questioning it. Anyways, I think the bell is about to ring." On que the bell and shrilly. Mika and Yuu both flinched at the sound before Mika dropped his hands, his face bright pink as if he had just remembered that he had placed them there. "Better go. Shinya is gonna have another fit if we're late again." The blonde raked a hand through his hair, holding the other one out to help Yuu up. The ravenette sighed in agreement before he grabbed his hand and hauled himself up. The two ran out of the classroom, and raced through the hallway, towards the gym. 

When you slowly start to switch their personalities without realizing it. This is fine. Anyways we get to see Guren's wife in the next chapter. Ay aye! This story is so fun to write like- 

I have so many ideas it isn't even funny. If I get the ending I like I even have sequel ideas. O boi. 

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