Chapter Four

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      To say Yuu liked gym was a lie. He hated it even more than he hated Mahiru and Guren. He was only athletic from the years of running, and the boys made gym the perfect excuse to throw things at him. "We're not gonna have enough time to find stalls to change. We've got like, a minute and thirty seconds." Mika groaned as he threw the locker room door open and dragged Yuu inside, over to their lockers. 

      "Can't we just be late one more day?" Yuu whined, unlocking his locker, reaching inside for his extra clothes. Mika shook his head. 

      "Not a good idea, Yuu-chan. We've already been late this whole week, if we're late today we'll get a referral. And that's gonna be even worse for you, since you're supposed to suspended." Mika pointed out, tugging his shirt off. Yuu looked over without realizing that he had already started to change. There was an intake of breath from him without his notice. Mika was muscular. Like, he did this when he was bored kind of muscular. But he wasn't all just muscle, he had the body of a dancer. He could feel his cheeks heating up and forced himself to not look any further down. Somebody snapped their fingers in his face, which caused him to blink and look up, his face furiously red. Mika now stood in front of him, wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants. 

      "Hurry up, Yuu-chan. Your down to thirty minutes." He urged, before he turned back to his locker and grabbed a hair band. Pulling his hair up messily, Mika walked back over to Yuu as he struggled to pull on his gym clothes. Mika grabbed his wrist and ran out of the locker room, pushing Yuu into the gym as soon as the bell rang.  Yuu ran a hand through his hair awkwardly as Mika stared at the group of boys that stared at them. 

      "You were almost late. You two can't be always showing up late for my class," Shinya scolded as he walked up. Mika shrugged and grinned lazily. 

      "Sorry about that. We were helping a new student find their locker. You know how the halls are, always so crazy." Yuu bit down on his lip as Mika lied easily. How can he do that so easily? He heard a chuckle echo through the gym, and looked over to a corner of the gym, where Ferid and Krul were seated. Well Krul was sitting. Ferid was more, just, sprawled out in between the bleachers, his legs hanging over one layer of bleachers and his back against the one above the other. He waved lazily and Krul blinked, and they flashed brightly in the darkness. 

      "Just try to not be late anymore. Yuichiro is already walking a thin line. I know how easily Mahiru and Guren will pull him out of the public's eyes if they got the chance." Shinya stated briskly before he turned to the students stretching. Yuu noticed that the girls were also there, and groaned out loud. A mixed period. Great. Just what he needed. 

      A fact:

      Everyone could get away with throwing things and hurting him in gym. 

      Second fact:

      It was especially worse when it was a mixed group. 

      Third Fact:

      Because that meant they were playing paintball. 

      "Hey, Nycto! Let's see how fast you get out? I mean, you're so pitiful that it won't even be hard." Yuu rolled his eyes at the taunts, raising his arm above his head, grabbing his elbow with his other hand, beginning to stretch. Mika rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath before sitting in a butterfly position, leaning forward for a few seconds before doing some more leg stretches. Yuu turned around, gripping his arm against his chest, locking his other arm around it. He spotted a brown haired male staring at him with large green eyes next to a pink haired, red eyed male who wore glasses. The pink haired male had his eyes narrowed while the other seemed more curious than anything. 

Nyctophilia {Mikayuu}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora