Chapter Six

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      "You're wrong. He wants to be my friend. He doesn't think I'm weird." Yuu muttered and the figure smirked. 

      "You're self-conscious. You're not sure anymore. You were, but now you're not. Don't you want to just be normal? I can make all those humans go away. Even the little things that go bump in the night." Yuu looked down at the purple haired figure, hesitant. "Tch, how amusing. You're not even sure about this. You're humanity is still there, but it's almost gone. Something is different about you. You're not even a demon." The figure looked up, revealing red eyes, horns and fangs. Yuu gasped. A demon? How? 

      "Of course I'm human. What do you expect me to be?" Yuu yelped, and the demon scowled. 

      "Forgotten." He hissed before everything went dark again. Yuu sat up in bed quickly, breathing rapidly. Forgotten? What does that mean? And I'm not human? 

      "Hey, you're awake." He looked over, seeing Mika standing in the door way. He had on black yoga pants and a dark grey hoodie on. 

      "Mhm. Did I sleep for long?" Yuu aske, rubbing his eyes. There was a moment of silence and he stiffened, looking over, thinking he was gone before seeing him still standing there. 

      "Uh, you were asleep for two days." Mika said, and Yuu yelped. 


      "Yeah... and I hate to leave you you right when you wake up, but my agent needs to see me. But uh, there's someone here for you. Named Celestine?" Mika asked. 

       "Celestine? I don't know anyone named Celestine." Yuu frowned and Mika looked over his shoulder. 

       Mika sat stretched out on a couch, his legs dangling over the arm and his arm over his face. Yuu was still asleep. "Come on, Yuu. You just got hit by a dodgeball. It wasn't even that hard. Are you really that fragile?" He muttered in concern. He head a slam and sat up, facing the door to the living room. 

      "Everyone, we have a new member of the family. She says she'd like to intruduce herself," Mahiru exclaimed, and Mika narrowed his eyes. The air suddenly felt colder. A girl with cotton candy blue hair  pulled into two long pig tails and the eyes the color of pink cotton candy strode into the living room, wearing a white and black sailor uniform, much like the one everyone wore in school. She smiled brightly and bowed. 

      "My name is Celestine. I have one purpose here," she straightened up, "which is to serve and protect Prince Yuichiro Amane." Mika widened his eyes, much like everyone else around the room. And then everyone started whispering, looking at the girl and then Mika. He stood up, walking over to her and grabbing her wrist, before leading her upstairs. 

      "Uh, Celestine. You can come back out now." Mika called, obviously on edge. 

      "I can? Great!" Yuu watched as a tall girl walked into the room, wearing a white sailor uniform with black lining. She was smiling, but as soon as she closed the door she made a face of annoyance. "Can I please change forms? I can't do anything in this form to protect Prince Yuichiro if I'm in a stupid human form. " She whined, placing a hand on her hip.

      "Human form?" Yuu yelped as Mika just narrowed his eyes, nodding slightly. She grinned and murmured a few words in what Yuu figured was French. Bright lights surrounded her, before darkening. What is happening? The lights faded, revealing Celestine again. Instead of the pastel colors, her hair was now blood red, she had electrifying green eyes, and she had long pointy ears. She had three silver rings near the end of her ears on both side, and an upside down cross and moon hanging near her hair on both sides as well. She had a pentagram and two moons tattooed on her left in black ink and on the other side, another upside down cross. Her shirt was now dark green, ripped in shreds near her belly button and she had brown leggings under black thigh highs. A dark red bow was placed on the middle of her collarbone, with a small moon stitched into the middle.

      "Wh-what are you?" Yuu yelped and she looked over.
      "I am a Witch, part of the Forgotten Act. My purpose is to serve and protect you, Yuichiro Amane." She looked over at Mika in confusion. "if I may ask," she tilted her head. "What is the-"

      "What are you doing here, Akira Celestine. You should be in prison." Yuu almost screamed in surprise when Ferid yanked him backwards, almost dragging him off of his feet. Krul appeared next to him, helping him up.

      "Hah? Prison? How silly. That was my sister. Puh-lease. I'm a member of the same council you are," she replied cooly, crossing her arms over her chest, staring directly into Ferid's eyes. She can see him? And they know each other? And what was she going to say about Mika? And there's that Forgotten again. What is going on?!

Another update. Yes, I know. I'm a terrible person for adding in a character that wasn't in the show. But I needed a character that would push the plot into where I want it to go. But she isn't a main character, or even a seen on a daily basis character. Next chapter though we get to see the cinnamon roll and his boyfriend!

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