Chapter 5: Going Back

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Maria's POV

I became depressed and started my bad habits again. After I gave birth to my son Isaiah, it went bad. He continued to keep accusing me of the same thing, over and over again, every night. And every night when the children fall asleep, I go and get my beer and weed, sit outside and have peace and quiet. That's what was relieving my stress. He would leave and go to his friends or sister's house sometimes, to have a break for a couple of days. The CPS worker has her suspicions, I'm afraid that they'll take my babies away from me again. Ms. Brown came by last week and talked to the kids, and they told her that they have seen us arguing and him pushing me. We've tried counseling with our pastor but it just isn't working out. I just hope that if they do take my children that they put them somewhere safe. 

Isabell's POV, age 6

I have a new baby brother now, he's so cute and small. But mom and dad fight a lot, he always screams at her. I'm not scared, well at least I don't think I am. But my brother's always cry when they scream at each other, so I think they're scared. Ms. Brown comes sometimes and asks the same questions, and like all the other times I still lie to her. I'm afraid that she'll take me away from mom, dad, and my brother's again. If we do go we might be in different houses, and I might have to go to a different school. I'll be so sad if we have to go, I'll miss them so much.

Right now I'm in school, we're learning how to read. Every morning we read small books together with Ms. Anita, and we're also learning how to spell and write words. I like learning, it's fun.  Mom helps me with my homework, sometimes dad but he gets mad at me if I get it wrong, I don't know. I only like it when mom helps me. 

After school, my Tia Sandra picks me up and takes me to her house. 

"Hi Tia Sandra." I greet her with a smile.

"Hi baby, how was your day at school?"


"What did you learn today?"

"I learned how to write words and we also read a book today, and we learned how to add numbers."

"That's good, I hope you did good today in class."

"Yes, I did." I lied, sometimes I like to talk to my friends and play rock, paper, scissors with them.

"That's good"

When we get to her house, she puts Disney Channel on for me and sister sister is on. She gives me one of my favorite snacks, Hot Cheetos. 

Later that afternoon 

Mom comes and picks me up.

"How was your day at?" she asks me as I get in the car.

"Good." I say.

"Did you have fun, at Tia Sandra's house?"

"Yes, she put on Disney channel and I watched Sister Sister, That's So Raven, and The American Dragon: Jake Long." 

"Oh ok, do you have any homework?"

"Yes, can we do it tomorrow please?" It's a homework packet that Ms. Anita gives us on Monday's and we give it back on Friday's.

"No, at least one page before you can play with your toys ok."


After mom picks me up, we go and pick up my brother's Mario and Gabriel from daycare. She helps me, with my homework and gives us dinner, chicken and macaroni and cheese. 

Later that night

"Isabell, come here I need to talk to you." my mom calls me from the living room. 

The Diary of An American Woman: (Memories of The Past)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant