Chapter 6: A New Home

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Isabell's POV (age 6)

Mario and I are both in the same house. It's not that bad, I don't even cry anymore. Mrs. Garcia and her daughter are very nice. They take us to the park sometimes after school, sometimes Diana plays dolls with me, but sometimes she's busy with school work so I play with Mario with the blocks. She's older than me, about 11 years old. I also go to a new school now, Mrs. Torres is my new teacher now, she's very nice. I also have new friends Shayla, Tanya, Alex, and Max; we all have the same teacher. During recess we play hide and go seek, tag, freeze tag, hop scotch, and much more fun games. After school I play and watch tv, then Mrs. Garcia helps me with my homework and eat dinner, then I take a bath and before I go to sleep, I get to talk to mom. Gabriel and Isaiah are in a different foster home, we go to see them every week, we go to the park together, bring snacks, and play.

It's been a month now since we've been here. 'I wonder when we could go home?' I think to myself almost everyday and night. We haven't seen mom or dad yet, Mrs. Garcia and Ms. Brown says we 're going to visit them soon, I'm so happy and excited to see them. 

I am currently at school right now, eating a hamburger, potato chips, an apple, and drinking chocolate milk. I usually like to eat myself quietly, then I like to go to the library sometimes and sit down and read. Then I go and play with my friend's. After that I go back to Mrs. Torres classroom and learn Math.

After School

Mrs. Torres, walks us to the gate and makes sure our parents pick us up, and if they're late we have to wait in the office. But she's not late today, here she comes. 

"Goodbye Mrs. Torres, I'll see you on Monday."

"Goodbye Isabell." 

"How was your day at school, sweetie?" Mrs. Garcia asks me as we get in the van.

"It was good, we had a spelling test today, and then we had a math test with adding and subtracting."

"That's good sweetie." she says to me with a smile.

"Tomorrow we'll be going to see your brother's, and guess what? You're gonna visit your mommy and daddy tomorrow." She says enthusiastically.

"Really?!" I ask with a big smile on my face. 'I'm so happy right now, I wonder if we can go home soon?!', I think to my happily.

"Are you excited?"

"Yes, I can't wait to see them!" I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Maybe you can draw them a picture, or something. If you want too."


"And we can take them cupcakes or cookies."


Later that night 

"For dinner you guys will be having chicken, beans, and rice." Ms. Garcia says. 

"Mm." We all say in delight. I love chicken beans and rice, especially with Tapatio Hot Sauce, so yummy.

After dinner we decide to make vanilla and strawberry cupcakes, I help put the frosting and pretty colorful sprinkles and a strawberry on top. Then I take a bath and get ready for bed. 

"Hey, here's your mom. She wants to talk to you." Mrs. Garcia says as she comes in the room.

"Hi mom!" I say enthusiastically.

"Hi mija(my daughter), how have you been?" She asks.

"Good. I miss you mom." 

"I miss you to baby."

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