Chapter 11: The Decision

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Isabell's POV (age 7)

"Good morning Isabell, its time to wake. Come on it's Friday, the last day of school for the week and you can sleep in this weekend. Up, up, up!" shouts Ms. Sharron. 

I lazily sit up, yawn, rub my eyes, and stretch my arms out. 

"Good morning." I finally say while yawning. 

"Good morning sweetie. Go brush your teeth, wash your face, get dressed, and come on down so you can eat breakfast before I take you to school," she says. 

"Okay." I get out of my bed and rush to the washroom so I could go pee. After washing my hands, I take my pink toothbrush and put some bubblegum toothpaste on my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth. After making sure that my teeth are clean, I rinse my mouth with some water. Then I get my face towel and soak it in warm water so I can wash my face. After washing up, I go back to my room and pick some clothes to wear to school. I decided to wear my purple shirt that has pink and white flowers, blue jean pants and decided to also wear my pink sweater since it's been pretty cold lately.   

After getting dressed up and all ready for school, I go downstairs so I can eat breakfast. 

"Here you go, sweetie." Ms. Sharron says as she sets a plate of waffles with strawberries, bananas, and syrup. 

"Thank you," I say while my mouth waters by just thinking of how delicious this breakfast will be.  

"You just finish eating and wash up after your done. I'm gonna go and get your brother ready so we could take you to school." 


After eating my breakfast, I go and wash my hands and face to make sure that there's no sticky syrup on my face. Realizing that I didn't have my backpack with me, I quickly go back to my room and grab my backpack and my pink socks. I go back downstairs to grab my white shoes with pink and purple flowers designs and sit down so I can put on my shoes. 

"I'm ready Ms. Sharron!" I shout out to her.  

"Okay, let's go," she says while grabbing holding Mario's hand and getting her purse off the counter. She then walks us outside to the car and unlocks it with her key. After buckling my brother in his car seat and making sure that I buckled my seatbelt, Ms. Sharron then gets in the car and drives to my school. 

It doesn't take much time when we finally get to my school. When she drives to the front gate where all the teachers are waiting for their students, I unbuckle myself and get out of the car. 

"You have a nice day Isabell!" I hear Ms. Sharron shout. 

"Bye Ms. Sharron. I'll see you later." I say as I wave goodbye to her. After watching her drive away from my school, I turn and walk towards my teacher where all the other kids are waiting. A couple of minutes pass by when the school bell rings and we follow Ms. Wilson, walking to our classroom.

After three hours of class reading, writing, and learning how to spell our new cite words for the week, it was finally lunch time.  

"Okay kids, it's time for lunch. I want you to please push your chairs back inside your desk and line up in ABC order," Ms. Wilson announces. Everyone then gets up and quickly pushes their chairs in and rushes to get inline. After making sure that everyone is in their correct spot, Ms. Wilson walks us to the lunch cafeteria. Once we arrive, Ms. Wilson takes us to the cafeteria's kitchen so we can pick our lunch for the day, spaghetti and meatballs. Then we go sit at our class table. 

After thirty minutes of eating our lunch, the lunchroom monitor started dismissing the students at each table one by one so we could go to recess. Then he finally got to our table. 

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