Little Miss Kimberleigh Hayes

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Serra Jessica  Hayes was meeting with Linda McMahon for lunch and going through some ideas for her baby shower. She went to the elevator and there was a couple of people in there already. " When are you going to have the baby already little Serra?" Asked  "Rowdy" Roddy  Piper , to the fans but to her he was just plain Roddy. "Hopefully soon Roddy  Dr.Maliceer said it could be now or the end of the month."
All of the sudden the elevator stopped and shut down. "You've got to be kidding me I have a lunch date with Linda,now I'm late ugh I should've known to leave earlier now what.... what are we going to do ?"  "No need to worry Little Serra we got help coming one way or another we will be get out just don't you worry none." "You're right Roddy as always." Laughed Serra when a contraction hit her. "Ahhh..." Little Serra what's wrong? Asked Roddy. " Either I pissed my self or my water just broke. Serra said to Roddy as another contraction hit "Owww... "  Here lay down here. and you pointed to another person "who are you?" I'm a medical techie for WWF and it's my first day my name is Gordon." "Will Gordon we need your help checking her can you do it?"Roddy asked calmly. "Lay her down an support her head and her body."as they set to work on her okay "The baby is crowning already so she needs to push on the next contraction push." Explained the Tec with all her might she pushed and pushed The tech was amazed at the sight at first "It's a girl, we need to keep the baby warm. "Here take this."  As Roddy took his shirt off a as they heard a quiet cry coming from the baby and then a smile it melted both men hearts as Roddy was going to hand the baby to her mother she looked weak  "Little Serra whats wrong sweetie?"  Asked  Roddy. "Not sure Roddy please help take care of her for me and please make sure you tell Michael to name her Kimberleigh and not with a ly but with Leigh please Roddy do that for me.have everyone to help out if needed be I don't have much time left." and with that she closed her eyes and taking her last breath." I promise you hunny I promise with my last breath I promise you." As tears fell from his eyes. Fourty- five minutes later the elevator started to work and the door finally open and show the faces of Vince and Linda their faces turned white and Vince knew right away what happened and yelled someone to call 911 Linda went to Roddy holding the infant with his bloody shirt. "Roderick let me have the baby so I can clean the baby up and find some things for the baby in my office and take the baby to the  hospital ." She said with tears in her eyes. "It's a girl, Linda she named her Kimberleigh with leigh and not a ly it was one of her last request that and a promise that we all help Micheal raise her and take care of her." Said Roddy that was crying now. " And we shall Roddy, we will honor her request and do anything in our power to protect her.  At the hospital they learned that Serra Jessica's death was due to complications from pregnancy. Kimberleigh Isadora Hayes was  born at 1:30 pm at the headquarters of WWF and everyone in the business fell in love with her.
The first couple of months was hard on Micheal and traveling with a infant wasn't a easy task in it's self but with everyone's help it was easier than him doing thing himself. The one thing he missed was the connection of another person at night so with that he did things that wasn't right but he didn't care about any of it. So each night he would pawn Kimberleigh off to someone else each night so he could have some alone time with a groupie or ring rats as they prefer to call them they would  drink, party have sex or anything else for that matter it didn't matter to him one way or another.

As time went on Kimberleigh was doing things on her own like eating with without help or learning to turn pages of a book. She was getting prettier also. Linda joked with everyone saying when she gets older the guys would be in trouble. Micheal watched as his daughter coloring in a coloring book when Vince walked up to him. "Hello Micheal, I have a proposition for you, as he watched Kimberliegh putting her crayons in a box and shut the lid and closed the book shut and put them away and picked up some dolls to play with. " I want to sign Kimberliegh a contract with WWF  til the age of  thirty-five." "Thats a long time in the company Vince, What about child labor laws and school even dating for that matter."  Micheal stated." "We got that settled don't worry plus you wanted to work with the guys backstage and your daughter is a asset to this company plus think about the fans when they see her grow up she will be bigger than the twins on that full house that I promise you." "Alright Vince I'll get on of the lawyers to look at the contract and I'll sign it."  "She has her first story line in a couple of weeks Linda and Stephanie went shopping for cute little dresses and dress shoes. She will be known as the sweetheart of this company. " Vince stayed for a little bit with Kimberleigh and decided what story line she would be in and with a smirk he knew right away it was with Randy 'Macho Man' Savage and miss Elizabeth for a few months til wrestle mania.
Kimberleigh's first Saturday night main event

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