All Grown Up... Well Almost

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Kimberleigh was no longer a child working in the new WWE  she was now  sixteen today is her birthday, as she woke up there was a knock on her door. She opened the door and there was to her surprise was Shane McMahon.  "Hi  Shane  how are you?" "I'm well okay Kimmie I don't want you to be scared and don't tell Mark but your in a storyline with Mark his wife  Sara And Glenn.  The thing is no one know your involved but me and DDP and Kanyon, your involvement is that DDP is stalking Sara but because she is protected by Mark and Glenn they will turn their attention from her to you and they will taunt  you and will most likely scare you. and Kane will protect you and then from there  you will start your crush on Kane, and hopefully in the near future will start your romantic storyline with Kane.'' Kimberleigh was dumbfounded to say the least . ''I don't know Shane, I mean  I'm only sixteen  I really don't know what expect if I'm doing this tonight without Mark knowing.'' Kimberleigh sighed  "I promise you that you'll be safe.''  ''Okay Shane.''

That night Kimberleigh was nervous to say the least tonight starts one of the biggest storylines she has done sometimes  she wished for those days  where mamma Linda was telling her key words for when a storyline started and ended but she knows those days are pretty much over now it's time for her to grow up. she opened was deep in thought when Glenn "Kane '' Jacobs went over to give her a hug. "It looked liked you needed it.'' ''I did thank you Glenn I appreciate it.'' as she opened her middle size book and started to write.


I don't know what to do anymore I feel like I'm letting people I love down, some days are better than others but mommy I feel so alone right now I just don't know what else I can do. I hate feeling this way  I still get nightmares about what happened ten years ago. what am I supposed to do , I can't keep secrets especially from them, mommy I can't  I figure it all out I always do , daddy has been distant with me like always and now he won't even look at me. I keep holding on mommy like I always do.

Love you


Kimberleigh was curling her hair when Glenn walked in and lean against the door watching her putting on her make up she was wearing a simple outfit not like the ones where Stephanie and Linda made her wear. This outfit was made for her and fit her like a tee personality wise. but here lately she wasn't smiling a lot like she used to and was being distant with Mark  lately and it showed on her face. Kimberleigh was sitting on the couch when  Glenn moved from his spot at the door and went to sit beside Kimberleigh on the couch as tears fell on her cheeks, "Sixteen years today my mom left all of us, daddy never celebrated my birthday he does however celebrates mommy with a candlelight service for family and friends each year, but he never celebrates my birthday so this year neither am I." Glenn didn't say anything he just pulled her into his arms and just let her cry, he didn't understand why Michael and others treat Kimberleigh the way they do especially Mark.

Glenn was getting ready for Raw when Mark came in and sit down on a bench near Glenn. "Mark we need to talk.Do you or anyone else know what today was ? "No what's  today Glenn? Some  stupid made up holiday. Marked joked "Try Kimberleigh's sixteenth birthday. I just seen her she's hurting  Mark in more ways than one I also take it you forgot like everyone else has.'' Glenn  told Mark. He was putting on his mask before he left he looked at Mark and said "We all wear masks it's the ones that smile and laughs wears them the most, I wish sometimes I never have to wear this. Make sure before you and Sara leaves at least tell her happy birthday and with that he slammed the door.

Raw went off like a bang until DDP came on the Titan Tron and having The Undertaker his wife Sara and Kane in the ring.

DDP  :  Awe  Sara is in the ring with  The Undertaker and Kane  I guess I can't go down to the ring and see her oh whatever shall I do. The camera  was following DDP around when he noticed Kimbrleigh  sitting on the storage boxes with a book and guitar in her arms looking like she was writing a song. Who is this  maybe just maybe  she's more what's the word I'm looking for hmmm... willing. Kimberly was writing a song when Jeff Hardy found her with his own guitar. ''Hey Kimmie  ready to play the song you wanted to do together?'' Yea of course just let me put this down.'' ''You want to start or do you want me to start? ''Kimberleigh  asked Jeff. " Lets do  what we usually do and wing it.'' "Okay.'' Neither one was aware  that they was being watched from DDP but also the fans and the ones in the ring. 

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