Princess of Darkness

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After his match and debut as The Undertaker as he walked backstage he had a strange feeling come over him telling him something was wrong so he started to walk around and found a hallway and to his surprised he found Kimberleigh lying on the floor fearing the worst he went to her he checked her breathing thanking God that she was he checked her over she looked pale and looked under weight to him. 'Does anyone check on her around here.' He thought to himself Perry also known as Paul Bearer came to find him only to find Mark with the little girl who stole both men hearts." Is her father still here Perry?" " I'll go see Mark, if not she needs a doctor and find out what's going on. " I know Perry but still I want to check with her father first. " I understand Mark." Perry left for only a minute looking very pissed off. " Mark he left with a ring rat... he chose a fucking ring rat over this sweet little angel, also Roddy left with his wife we missed them by a minute. "What are they doing to this poor girl?" "There is only one way to find out what exactly what they are doing to her lets go we need to go the hospital.

Only they found Linda walking toward them while Mark is holding Kimberleigh telling her it will be okay. "Oh my heavens I was looking all around for her. Is she okay where did you find her?" "Right where we standing Linda we need to take her to the hospital but I have no information for her ." I'll fax all her information to the local hospital if you two don't mind taking her." " We don't mind Linda, I just want what's best for her , actually now that we are here can we walk and talk at the same time I have an idea that I want to run by you I want not only Perry by my side but also Kimberleigh until she is ready to do things on her own." Mark explained everything to Linda. with a smile Linda said." Deal."

At the hospital after everything was in order both Mark and Perry was waiting on the doctor to see Kimberleigh. after another fifteen or twenty minutes Kimberleigh woke up just in time to see the doctor. "Hello." my name is Dr.Stella Morgan with the kid's wing and I came back with all test results but just to let you know Kimberleigh is that anything you say to all three of us is all okay and that we will personally help you okay sweetie. "I'm scared ." Kimberleigh said softly "Princess, look at me I talk to Linda, for now on your going to be with me and Perry anywhere we go you go there maybe times where we need time for our selves but that's when you will spend time with Linda and Stephanie you will also go to the ring with me as well I am going to be known as the Lord of Darkness and you will be known as the Princess of Darkness how does that sound." explained Mark. " Do I still get to wear all those pretty dresses ?"

"Of course what kind of princess doesn't wear dresses!? but it can only be purple, black, or white alright with that princess ." "Do I still eat even if I do something wrong ? She whispered softly if it wasn't for Mark sitting beside her he would never even heard it. taking a deep breath just to calm his anger. " What do you mean sweetheart ? " I .... " "How long has it been when you last ate anything" asked Dr. Morgan. " I don't know how long Dr. Morgan , I didn't eat at' anything for at least four days at the most, that's my punishment when I do something wrong." she said with tears in her eyes.

" If you excuse me for a moment I need to get some air." Mark told Perry and Dr. Morgan then looked down at Kimberleigh she cried her self asleep after telling them what her punishment was if she did anything wrong. he kissed her forehead and smooth out her hair that was in her face after looking at her for a moment before he left he asked Perry to stay with Kimberleigh.

Mark was pissed off beyond belief not only was this little girl was hurting for someone to care for her. Where was her Godfather or her father for that matter it hurt him that little girl was hungry and went out and sung like the princess , so when she joins on him on the next televised show he will surprise her with a special gift. He went to the local IHOP and got her some chocolate chip pancakes with French toast strips when he heard laughter and he turned around to see Roddy laughing with Michael Hayes Kimberleigh's no good father. Making a split decision that could cost him his job but he need to say this not only get his anger out but for that little girl who capture his heart in the hospital room. After he got his order he went up to them trying to keep his anger in check but what he didn't know was that both Linda and Stephanie was there as well.

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