The Photo Shoot and the Interview

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Linda was going over Kimberleigh's photo shoot she didn't want to go to dark because she didn't want to scare her but also she wanted to keep up with child's fantasy for the magazines she has set up and a couple of interviews for that day as well. At  five-thirty in the morning in walked Michael and Kimberleigh  their relationship was still strained and with Kimberleigh following Mark like a shadow she doesn't spend to much time with her daddy so hopefully today changes everything for the two.''Kimberleigh I would like you to meet Charles Atkins he is going to be your photographer this morning.'' so they took five pictures of Kimberleigh.

after a long photo shoot  it was eight in the morning and Kimberleigh was tired to say the least her daddy and Linda was going over the photos trying to pick the best ones when someone walked in and had a tape recorder and paper. ''Kimberleigh it's time for the interview honey and then we can get breakfast .'' Michael said to her. ''I know your tired after this your done for the day and then you will meet your tutor for school after your nap.'' ''Okay'' Kimberleigh said quietly not fully trusting her daddy she missed Mark but he had a meeting with Vince about something. ''Kimberleigh this is Morgan Jacobson she will be interviewing you this morning I let you girls be then. ''Linda How does she spell her name is it with ly or ley?'' the interviewer asked actually its spelled with Leigh at the end and with that she went back to Michael Hayes to talk. ''Lets get started shall we.''

M.J. : How is it like working in the WWF knowing your the  youngest person to work with, how does that make you feel?''

KimberLeigh: It's scary but fun at the same time and being the youngest it has it's perks .

M.J. :  Puppies or kitties?

KimberLeigh : I love all sorts of animals  my grandparents  has a farm and I help take care of them but I have to say I love my beagle puppy his name is  Oscar and he is cute but I also have  kitten that is all white her name is Snow White so I can't choose .

M.J. :  what is it like working with the undertaker?

KimberLeigh : Hmmm... I like working with him, he is one of my best friends. 

M. J :  what is your favorite color ?

KimberLeigh :  light purple almost a pink

M.J. : What's the story about the crown you wear  to the ring ?

KimberLeigh : The crown I wear to the ring actually belonged to my mommy when she was Miss North Carolina before her and daddy gotten  married and when Paul Barer asked if they could give it to me  daddy took it and gave it to the Undertaker as a surprise for me.

M.J . : your the princess of darkness . what role do you play when you go to the ring?

KimberLeigh : I support the Undertaker by being there for him and support his decisions  that Paul Bearer disagrees with.

M. J. :  do you think you look like your mom or your dad ?

KimberLeigh : My mommy at least that 's what everyone tells me (laughing)

M. J. :  Do you have any hobbies ?

I sing  and dance and I read and ride my horse named Rose Lilly.

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