Chapter 7: Heart monitor

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*on floor ded* whyyyyyyyy!?!?!?

Friend: Wtf up with you..?


Friend: ugh again...?

Me; yeahhhh

Friend: welp have fun!! *walks away*

Me: noooooo friiiend!!

Welp i'm dying so let see how this turns out..!!


(Man this is gonna be hard... I kinda wish I made Laurance just dying... not dead... WELP WUTTA U DO!?)

Garroth P.O.V

Dante and Travis went in to see Laurance. I walk in slowly after they step in. We all circle around him, Travis and Dante on either side of him and me at the end. He was connected to a heart monitor still.

The noise was off, the long ongoing beep, signifying that you failed, that the life in front of you is no more... Signifying that there no hope left for the person, the life they lived, or would have lived... all down the drain.

Though the screen was still on, the green line ran straight across the screen, showing no sign of movement. A sight no doctor wants to see... it's like a line of no return, once the line is crossed, no going back.

I shake out of my dark thoughts and look at Travis and Dante, who were looking down at Laurance, tears in their eyes.

It's sad... only hours ago I was hearing his perfect voice filling my ears with the delightful sound. His touch could send shivers down my spine, even his smile could drive me crazy. But now... i'm never gonna be able to hear his voice, feel his touch, see if oh so perfect smile.

I look up again and notice something, I see out of the corner of my eye the straight line that ran across the black screen of the heart monitor jump up a tiny bit for half a second, then land back in it's straight potion. The line jump up a second time, the same high, I continued for a few seconds before it sunk in. (U think I would ACTUALLY kill Laurance..? Lol y'all got rick rolled!)

My eyes widen as I screech at the top of my lungs for a nurse.

"Ow! Garroth my ears!" Dante shouted while covering his ears with the palm his hand. The nurses flood in. Dante and Travis looked confused for a second before they noticed the heart monitor themselves. They started freaking out and moving so the nurses could do something.

One of the nurses paged a doctor to come in. At this point a was sobbing, I don't know if they were tears of joy, fear or sadness. It honestly felt like I was experiencing every emotion ever to exceed.

A doctor rushes in the room and looks at Laurance. He was astonished, Almost as much as I was.

"Well... looks like we have a trouper here" The doctor claimed. The nurses started hooking him back up to more machines. I was still freaking out. He's actually alive! I realised that I was crying tears of joy now. My heart was beating a million time a minute. I looked at his face again and saw colour slowly pour back into his face, his cheek tint there usual red-ish colour as the rest of his face turns it usual pale tan.

After everything happened, The doctor took us out to the hall to talk. I instantly start question him and how in IRENES NAME did he wake up!

"We.. to be honest my answers as good as yours... I have no idea how he's alive..." The doctor admitted. "We lost him due to blood lost... I really can't grasp how he's alive!" He complained. I look through the window that separated the room from the hall, All I could see was a jumble of nurses surrounding Laurance. I look back over to the doctor to see he's still rambling about how he doesn't know how he stayed alive.

None of that really concerned me at the moment, the only thing running through my mind was Laurance... the one and only..

Laurance.... The man to come back to life...

My Fanfic

Cringe = 10/10

Quality = Unreal

Read = don't know why they excited here

To true... BUT YEAH! He's no dead.. Wooh!

I'm so tired rn my face is like showing no emotion... i'm just staring blankly at my screen typing this.. Like damn me get a life...

Anyways! Hope y'all have a lovely day!

~JORDYN OUT *Falls asleep*  

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