Chapter 8: Darkness

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Lol what is sleep!?

It's like 3 am so bear with meh plz.. Thx LOVE Y'ALLL! CHU~

(Also long chapter for u lovelys <3 )

Garroth P.O.V

I sat in the chair next to the small hospital bed that Laurance was currently lying on. It's been a few hours since he magically started breathing again. The doctors still can't comprehend how he's alive, I really couldn't care less about how he's alive... as long as he stays alive, that all I care about. Dante and Travis went home, they tried to make me come back too but I just couldn't leave Laurance here alone. What if something came up were he needed a friend... or anything that is...

The doctor stepped in the room, closing the door behind him. I just start to notice more what he looked like, before everything was happening in bullet time so I didn't really notice features. He had brown shaggy hair that was messily scattered on top of his head. His eyes were a very dark blue, some might go as far as to call them black. He had a bright blue stethoscope lazily swung around his neck and a brown clip board in his hand, I assume with Laurance's charts on it.

He walked over to me gestured for me to walk outside with him. I raised a brow and got up. He lead me out of the room, not saying a word the entire time. He suddenly broke the silence with his low husky voice.

"Well I have good news and bad news" he said looking up from his clipboard. Oh irene that sentence never leads anywhere good... I thought to myself.

"Well uhh... Good news first..?" I ask. He tried to lighten the mood with this answer, knowing the next one was probably gonna be hard to take in.

"Well the good news is M. Zvahl is alive and it wasn't just a glitch in the monitor..." He sighed before continuing... here goes hell... "The bad news is... he's in a coma..." The doctor staited. My eyes widen as my heart races...

"A.. c-coma?!" I start to panic w-what if he doesn't wake up!? O-or if he stops breathing again!? Or if he s-somehow loses more blood!? I start to feel tears well up in my eyes, but i don't let them fall. The doctor starts to explain more of how he went into the coma.

"You see... The bullet that was logged into his chest, piercing his Carotid arteries, which are the arteries that rise up from the neck and supply blood to the head" (Thanks you Google) He spoke as calmly as possible. "This caused major blood loss in the brain which lead to his coma.." He finished.

"W-Will he wake up..?" I asked in a very weak voice. He had a expression of uncertainty.

"Well... to be honest.. I have no idea" He confessed. I was taken back by everything that was happening. I backed up and sat in one of the chairs that were lined up outside the door of the rooms. I bury my face in my hands and sigh.

He better fucking wake up....

Laurance P.O.V (Ik calm your tits everyone)

Everything was black. The only thing that was visible was the endless darkness in front of me, well everywhere around me to be honest.

I didn't know what was happening. A bit ago I was locked in my room lost in my own train of thought, next thing you know I hear a bang and everything just stopped. Now i'm stuck in my thoughts, surrounded by the darkness of my own mind. Fun, I know!

I try to move anything in my body to see if I was alive... nothing. WELP I'M DEAD! I thought to myself. That can't be it though, I mean I can think still... I mean I don't know what happens after death, but i'm pretty sure you don't have a train of thought. I hear a click somewhere, where ever I am. It was followed by the sound of a door closing. Weird...

Creaking floorboards were heard next, they got louder and louder until they stop right next to me, though I still couldn't see anything. I began to hear sobbing next to me. Huh..? Who the hell's sobbing? I ask myself.

I try to turn my head to see if anything was in the darkness crying. But from what I could see with my inability to move a lot, there was nothing.

...But what I heard next caught my attention...

"L-Laurance... I know you can't hear me but... please... please!! Don't die on me!" Someone shouted then continued to sob. They were talking to me so it had to be someone I know. But they talked again before i could try to figure out who it was.

"If you died... I... I don't know how I could live... I wouldn't be able to survive without your stupid jokes and flirty remarks about everything... heh.. I would miss you so much.." they started. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.


"Cause you know the stupid quote 'every blonde needs a brunette' that's like us, I need my stupid brunette with me to conquer the world..." he finished.

Blonde... Oh my Irene... It's Garroth!!!

I try with all my willpower to shout, but nothing happened, it's like in a bad dream when you're being chased by something and you're trying to scream for help, but all that comes out is a strained breath of air. It's the most painful thing ever, wanting to scream but are physically unable...

After many desperate tries... I just gave up. I just lie there... Or at least i think i'm lying down... I hate this so much. But Garroth continued to talk, and I listened.

"Irene... it's pathetic... talking to your bestfriend that lying in front of you... in a coma.." He started.. WAIT WHAT!? I'M IN A COMA!!

Ohhh nooo this is badddd!!! I can't move or anything to somehow wake myself from this ongoing hell!!

"Ugh... well I guess I could say this since you can't hear me.." heh lay it on me..! "Umm... first time in saying this out loud... well... I love you..." Garroth said with a shaky voice.

Wait... what?!

Ha i'm a monster!!!

Okay i'm tired as all shit so imma go to bed! HOPE YALL HAVE A LOVELY DAY!!


[DISCONTINUED]I care what they think (A Lauroth FF) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now