Chapter 9: Dream state

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DA DUM TISK! *Falls over* fuck.. How did that happen?!

WELP THAT WAS FUN! HEY Y'ALL!! (Randomness on point)

*Sweating nervously* hehehehehehehe.. Well here's chapter 9..

ENJOYYY *Runs away*

Laurance P.O.V

Wait what...?

What Garroth said had me speechless.. Well I can't even talk in the first place so yeah!

But he.. Loves me..? The dorky man i've been best friends with since high school.. Loves me!?

Oh my Irene..

Garroth P.O.V

Wow.. I just said that.. It felt.. Good!

I look down at Laurance and see i'm twitch a bit. I stiffen up a bit. I stare down at him in an attempt to see if something was happening. The twitching was brief but still made me worry.

I didn't look to much into it, but I kept my eye on him to make sure he was okay..

This was gonna be a long and hard journey...

~several months later~ (Nothing really happened over this time, just doctory shit)

Garroth P.O.V

I think the doctors have lost all hope on Laurance. They've had to keep him on life support. He's been getting worse day by day and the doctors are threatening to pull the plug on him if he doesn't get better by the end of the week.

"I know this might be hard to take in but we've done everything we can.. His condition is critical and i don't think he'll recover.. I am terrible sorry" The doctor said to Dante and I. Travis would have been here but he's at work.

I look up at Dante, who was blankly staring at the doctor.

"... Are you sure you tried absolutely everything?!" Dante ask with a stern yet calm voice. The doctor gave up a disappointed nob. Dante looked down at me as I stared down at the floor with tears in my eyes.

This can't be happening... please say this is another crazy dream... I can't lose Laurance, I can't...

Larance P.O.V


I've been listening to all the doctors conversations and let me tell you..they aren't good ones. They just said if I don't get better by the end of the week there gonna pull the pull. In other words, there gonna take me off life support and well.. I'll die. I don't want to die! Fuck why can't I walk up!

I hear faint crying... from Garroth i'm assuming...

"We can't lose him.. There has to be something.." Garroth said, It was heartbreaking to hear Garroth cry.. ugh

Maybe if I keep listening I might be able to find something out.

"Wait.. There's one thing, but it's probably not going to work.." said the voice of the doctor.

"Anything!" Said Dantes eager voice.

"Well.. Mr. Zvahl is currently in a state in mind known as 'Dream state' which means his 'dream self' is controlling him. It's confusing, I know, but! If we can get his dream self to walk him up, he'll be fine... it very unlikely for that to happen..." The doctor finished. (Casual homestuck insert)

So if I get my 'dream self' to walk up, then i'll be fine!! Well how in Irene's name do i do that!? Ugh... 

Heheheheheheheh... woopppsss... welp hey there my m8's..

I KNOW I KNOW!! BEFORE YOU START A RIOT IN THE COMMENTS LET ME EXPLAIN AGAIN!! The reason to why I haven't been posting is due to stress and depression.. I won't get too much into it except that I've been struggling with it majorly over the course of a few months, such as heartbreak and school.

So with all that i'll be trying to post more for you fantastic people!

I love you all so much and hope y'all have a lovely day! (And sorry for short post)


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