How it all started

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Gregs POV: God damn calvins so annoying. All these shit tweets fml.... I'll check out snapchat. Great, he's updated his story... *sees topless pic* oh. Erm. Why do I feel so uncomfortable... ugh. *turns Snapchat off* ^Ping!^ oh god, what now? Calvin messaged me via Twitter, he wants to meet up. Say sorry? Wait what? I may aswell go. Got nothing better to do tomorrow. *calls Calvin via skype*
"Hey Calvin"
"Sup Greg. Wanna meet at Starbucks tomorrow? The one near your house?"
"Sure. Why?"
"I wanna apologise and stuff. Also I wanna catch up."
"Ok cool, got to go, Lainey needs me"
"Sure man. Bye"

Calvins POV: phew. Can't believe I did that. It's finally set up. Yes! I'm in! He's so cute... ugh! I'm not gay I need to stop this! *turns laptop off* I wonder what he looks like in the shower... ugh I need to stop!! Oh well, I'll just grab some coffee, watch tv, and go to sleep... ugh it's been a long day. Still, I can't believe it. Can't wait for tomorrow!

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