A Night To Remember

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Calvin wondered what Greg thought of him in this stupid getup. He started to blush and became an embarrassed mess "Greg? I'm sorry about looking so... weird.." Calvin fumbled about with his words. "What? Calvin, you're so weird" Greg started laughing at him which made him more embarrassed. "Stop Greg! It's not funny! I look like a fucking retard!" Calvin exclaimed.
"Calvin you don't look like a retard. You look... somewhat... cute..." Greg trailed off quietly looking at his toes. Greg quickly shot his sights at the tv and moved to the sofa to start watching and forget what he just said, hoping Calvin didn't hear. "Greg?" Calvin pestered.
"Hmm?" Greg replied bluntly feeling so embarrassed and awkward.
"Are you cold? I'm cold." Calvin changed the subject.
"Yeah it's pretty cold.. hey! Why don't we get come hot cocoa and snuggle up and binge watch PLL?" Greg suggested.
"Sounds good, but one question?"
"What, the FUCK... is PLL?? Pointless Little Leaves?!"
Greg tossed his head back on the sofa and started laughing his head off "No silly! Pretty Little Liars!"
"Oh... I'll give it a try"
"Good" Greg smiled

1 hour later Greg and Calvin were snuggled up with popcorn and hot cocoa watching PLL like it was going out of fashion. "This is so good Greg. Who thought this would be such fun?"
"Well, I did" Greg started laughing and shifted his focus back to the TV. When the series was nearly over Calvin was yawning and struggling to keep his eyes open. 10 minutes later Greg checked on Calvin and he was fast asleep. He decided to leave him and stay downstairs just in case he woke up again in the middle of the night wondering where he was. He slept on the sofa with him and thought 'Oh my god! I'm sleeping with CALVIN VAIL!! What the fuck Greg.. you need to calm down. Still, I saw him with only a towel on earlier, wonder why he was so embarrassed? Maybe his dicks small? Nah, someone this cute can't have a small dick. He looks so sound sleeping. So cute.' What he didn't know was that Calvin was actually still sort of awake. Greg reached over and gently stroked calvins smooth cheek and then softly kissed his forehead. What he also didn't know was that Calvin felt it. Calvin was over the moon and was smiling in secrecy in the dark.... So was Greg... what about Lainey? She was slowly drifting out of Gregs love life...

Note from Author;

Leafnision ~ stuck in the bento box  Where stories live. Discover now