Twisting Fate

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Greg and Calvin rose from their slumber and saw themselves laid on Gregs bed, music blaring from the speakers and large bottles of wine and vodka on the floor. Calvin stood up, his head was spinning like there was a tornado in his mind. He struggled to step but as he did he patted around him for something to hold for stability. He padded across the landing to the bathroom and splashed his face with water. He took a weary sip and felt more refreshed. He walked back to the bedroom and Greg was in a deep slumber. He was snoring like a dog and poor little Calvin didn't want to disturb him. Then Calvin walked back and tripped over his own jeans on the floor and fell on his bony little ass. The floor shook and Greg woke startled. "Wait what?" He exclaimed. Calvin looked shocked and ran to Greg asking if he was ok "Greg! Baby are you ok??!"
"Yeah... fuck... what happened?!"
"I don't know myself.." Calvin replied with slight guilt. Then the key turned in the door and Lainey was back "GREGGY-POOS IM BACKKK!!" Shouted Lainey and she ran upstairs into the bedroom where Calvin and Greg were. "Greg..." she whispered slowly and dropped her bags with a thud. Seeing them both there naked with loads of bottles everywhere it was obvious what has happened. "Greg... Calvin... no... AAARGHHHH!!!" Lainey screamed "GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE YOU SILLY LITTLE HUSBAND STEALING BASTARD!!" She screamed at the top of her voice tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. "Lainey I can explain!" Greg tried as he might but nothing would work. "Greg... why?! I'm leaving you! Take your ring!! Fuck OFF!!!" Lainey took her stuff and ran back to her friends house to spread the gossip probably. "Greg... I'm so sorry.." Calvin explained.
"No, Calvin. You cant do anything now." Gregs words filled with guilt and regret. "Leave me alone."
"But Greg-" Calvin started
"Fuck off!" Gregs eyes welled up with tears
"You're my world, I can't leave you!" Calvin shouted his eyes stinging
"WELL IM LEAVING YOU!" Greg shouted. Calvin then stormed out and shoved his clothes off and ran back home. "CALVIN! NO! CALVIN IM SORRY!!" Greg shouted after him but Calvin kept running, his tears the only remains of the love he had lost....

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