Reject, Regret, and Remorse

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Calvin was sat on his sofa staring into space his eyes red from the crying. Then his roomie Dylan walked in. "Yo Calvin, you ok man?" He asked
"Dylan... It's Greg..." Calvin whispered
"Dude, do you want me to give him a piece of my mind?" Dylan inquired
"NO! No... don't. It'll only make things worse.."
"But cal-"
"I SAID DONT!" Calvin snapped and tears of rejection rolled down his baby soft cheeks and he let out a small helpless sob. "It's my fault anyway.."
Dylan trailed off into the kitchen and made Calvin a glass of orange juice. "Here, your fav."
"Thanks man" Calvin said weakly. Calvin cupped the glass of OJ in his hands and sipped slowly savouring every little drop. "I'm off out."  Calvin told Dylan hoarsely and walked straight out without his jacket. He wandered to the Starbucks where he and Greg met the other day and clenched his fists as he walked past regretting every last moment of it. His words were poison, intoxicating his mind, manipulating him. Then, he reached cuckboy's house. He stormed in through the back door and grabbed Greg by the throat. "YOU FUCKING LIAR!!" He shouted in Gregs face "YOU MANIPULATING LITTLE SKANK I HATE YOU!" He screamed at Onionson and punched him across the jaw with his free hand "THAT PROBABLY DIDNT HURT YOU BUT IT HURT ME YOU VEGGIE FUCKER" he remarked. Greg was wheezing having trouble breathing. Calvin realised and let go, letting Greg drop to the floor in a crumpled mess. "Calvin.." he mumbled. "I didn't know"
"You're nothing to me." Calvin told Gregory and kicked him in the stomach. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Greg asked nearly in tears. "Calvin I loved you and I still do. Why are you doing this to me?.." he said slowly. Making sure Calvin was listening. "Greg..."
"Calvin, help me up?" So Calvin helped Greg up and ran to get a pack of peas for his jaw. "I'm so sorry Greg!" Calvin was now in tears wailing into Gregs t-shirt. "Its ok... you're feelings got the better of you. I don't blame you." Greg said reassuring Calvin of himself. Greg rubbed calvins back like he was a child and they were just sat there hugging in the sofa like they were 2 days before.

Leafnision ~ stuck in the bento box  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora