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April ----------->

Sameere's P.O.V

We are goin to my house to hang out with my sister, thank GOD she's not like dad. Shes totaly mellow not only about me being gay, but that my boyfriends a wolf. I love her. We go inside and my sister comes and hugs Jimmy and I. "Hey big bro and other big bro." She always thought of Jimmy as a big brother ever since she met him, just cause he was always protecting her from when dad and I would fight.

"Hey April, hows it goin?" He hugs her and kisses the top of her head. "Oh you know the usual, runnin around hiding from dad when hes mad at Sam." She looks sad. "You know that you can always go to my place when that happens right?" She smile. "I know, but whenver I leave the house dad gets pissed and hunts me down. It;s like he doesn't trust me to be on my own."

  He sighs. "No, thats not why. He knows you'll come to me and he hates me so yeah. It's not that he doesn't trust you it's the fact that he doesn't trust me." My sister looks at him weird. "What did you do to make him hate you so much?" As he thinks about it his canines extend but he pulls her closer so she doesn't see. "I'll tell you when you get a little older. I want to I really do, but it's not safe. Your a little young to understand what homophobia is." She looks at him weird. "Thats why."

"Whatever." We both laugh at her childishness. She has alot of attitude for a 10 year old. Something suddenly comes to mind "Wh-Wheres dad?" April freezes. "He's downstairs." I sigh in releaf. Jimmy puts his arm around my sister and I's shoulders. "Don't worry about it right now." He says trying to make us feel better. "He can't do anything about us anyway, it's none of his damn buisness." I smile weakly.

We all go in the kitchen and sit at the bar. We both lean our heads on Jimmy and he chuckles lightly. I roll my eye's at him. "So sis, how's school goin for ya?" I ask lookin at her. "Sameere is that you?" I hear my dad's voice and instantly freeze. "No I'm on the phone with him cause y'know you pissed him off saverly this time. He might not even come back this time!"

She started to cry a little so Jimmy hugged her tight whispering. "It's alright, it's alright. Shhhh. It's gonna be okay." She didn't like pity from anyone but Jimmy for some reason. Don't know why, but she's alway been that way since she met him.

"Look Apr-" She cuts him off. "What would you even do if he never came back? Would you even miss him?" I look at my baby sister in shock. I made Jimmy and I invisible to my father. "Of course I wou-" She cuts him off again. "What if I told you that I was a lesbian huh? Would you reject me too?" My father looks taken back, but doesn't say anything causing her to cry more. As he steps closer she grows colder and her eye's darken. "Stay. The fuck. Away from. Me"

He stops and my mom shows up and rolls her eyes at me. "What the hell is going on here?" I make Jimmy and I visible, and the look on my fathers face was.....nothing. Empty, as if he was pissed but happy but about to cry. "Dad said he would reject me as his daughter if I was a lesbian. Like he did with Sam!" She starts crying again and Jimmy holds her close to him, making my dad pissed. But only becuase he couldn't do anything about it.

"You leave Sameere, Jimmy, and April alone. It is who they are and I swear on my life that, if you keep this up, I will leave you and take them with me! Do you understand what I am saying!?" My father, for the second time today, looks taken back. "You wouldn't" He growls. I growl at him lowly and so does Jimmy and April. He looks at us. "Stay out of th-" Befor he can even finish I have him by his throat and coughing on the floor. "I can take shit from you but I WILL NOT let you do that to April or I will kill you. Do you understand?" My fathers eyes are so wide I think they'll pop out.

I feel someone wrap thier arms around my waist and trying to pull me off of this sick bastard. "Your scaring April. Sameere, stop." Jimmy's voice calms me and I let go and look at my sister. She looks at me with fear in her eye's. I never thought that I would ever see that coming from my sister twoards me, ever. Jimmy lets me go and I run up and hug my sister as she crys into my shoulder. Jimmy is glaring at my father to the point where, I'm prety sure, that he is shitin himself.

"Jimmy can you please take Sameere and April somewhere safe, I don't need them to see this." He hugs her "Can I take them to my place, my sister is DYING to see April." My mom laughs. "Of course Jimmy." He smiles and kisses her cheek. "Thanks mom." He's been calling her that since she found out we were together and accepted it. Why can't my father understand. Nomatter what he does, I will never change for him. Ever.

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