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Jimmy's P.O.V

I marked Sameere now that stupid son of a bitch can't take him from me. I look at him as he is sleeping on my chest. I wonder what will happen, me being a wolf and him being a vampire. I wonder what will they do to him if the wolf council finds out. I fell him move a little as he wakes up "Hey babe" He says in his morning husky voice. "Hey." I smile at him as he kisses me,

I see the mark on his neck and remember something. "You don't feel like death is trying to at you right?" He looks at me confused then tries to look at his neck and shruggs. "I didn't even feel it until you said something about it."I laugh and kiss him befor we both get up and go out into the kitchen. Where our sisters are cooking something. I check the smoke alarm for good batteries befor going back into the kitchen to some very pissed of girls giving me the look of death.

"What?" My sister steped closer "You think I'll burn something don't ya?" I shrug as if it's no big deal and sit next to Sameere. "Sam don't you have school today?" His sister asks in her innocent but not so innocent voice. He grumbles something but goes and puts on a shirt anyway. "Why are you wearing my brothers cloths?" My sister looks at him suspisiosly. "Because I look sexier in his cloths than he does. Duh, it's not even logic. It's a fact." He says as if its known by everybody.

I laugh as his sister leaves and comes back fully dressed. "I'll get you both to school." His sister comes up and jumps on me and starts kissing my face randomly. "Gross. Sam get your sister off of me befor she gives me a hicky or something!" I feel her being pulled off of me as she struggles against her brother. 

~At Sameere's school~

Sammere's P.O.V

Befor dropping my sister off she attacked Jimmy again, trying to give him hickeys or something I don't know. By the time we get to my school he is covered in hickeys from my sister and I. "Are you sure I have to go I mean, we can ditch." Jimmy laughs. "Ok first of all, I don't go here. Second of all, if you don't go here, your old man will kill me." I hiss at him but it stops as I grabs my bag from the back of his car. "Fine I'll die here today." I say trying to convince Jimmy to let me leave with him. "See that's the spirit!" He smiles accomplishtly as if he did something amazing. I just roll my eyes at him. 

"See you later babe." I hear him say befor he kisses me. Nobody says anything due to my outburst and Jimmy's trick from last week. "Bye babe." I walk away as he drives away in his car.


I fell his eye's on my, burning holes into the back of my head. I turn around to look at him, only to see that he's not there. When I turn around he's right infront of me. "Mine" I hear him growl befor looking at my neck angrily. I instantly jerk up and run out of there and hide outside as I see him look at me. "Let it go man, your too late." I hear that one guy from my math class telling Louis.

He looks pissed as Louis growls at him. "Tell me I'm wrong Louis." I hear another growl erupt from Louis's chest as they both go into the school. 

I have to get to Jimmy befor something bad happens. As I turn around something touches my neck and I jerk but then everything goes black.

*What I will need to update....

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