Foreword - Important!!

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Hey guys! I'm back with yet another new story. But, this one is different from the others. Here's why:

Firstly, the updates of this fanfic are gonna be a lot shorter. They won't have a minimum of 3k words anymore. I'll explain later why.

Secondly, the storyline and character development is gonna be less diverse than my other fanfics.
For example, the war fic has a special thing in it: Josh as a veteran, Tyler and Josh as husbands, and they have a son.
The blind fic has Tyler being blind in it, and Josh who grew up at foster families.
The skirt fic has feminine Tyler with a rich family and Josh who's underfed and really poor.
In this fic, there's not gonna be such big diverse things from the usual fanfic that lots of people write. In this fic, there'll be two high school boys: Tyler is very sad, and Josh wants to help really badly.

Thirdly, this is gonna be a texting fic, which I've never done before. Not only texts, not at all. It's gonna have a real life story line from both points of views. Yes, they'll meet in real life. And yes, it'll contain the occasional fluff, smut and drama, like you're used to when you read my stories.

Now, why is this fanfic gonna be so differently?

Because it's kind of a coping thingy for me. Something to fall back on. When I don't have inspiration for my big, important fics, I want to write for something else. I figured that I could publish this, so I can give you a new story and I can use it for myself to cope and I have something secure to catch me when I am stuck.

This is NOT the way all my other fanfics are gonna be from now on. This fanfic is NOT as important as the others. I will always write for my other fanfics before I will write for this one, unless I don't know what to write. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna update this often, 'cause I will. Short chapters gives me the opportunity to update more often. I'm probably gonna update a couple of times today.

I hope you all are okay with this and I hope you like this fic! It's obviously Joshler again.

Wish me luck, and have fun reading!

I'm sad. Please help me. (A Joshler online/texting fic) ✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora