41: Not now

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Today my faith in humanity was restored a bit

My friend and I were meeting up and we were in a different country. We were in a park taking pictures on a beautiful bridge. There was this guy who was stretching between jogging when we reached the bridge and while we were taking pictures, he kept walking from left to right and he was staying close to us and I was like "...ok"
So then he comes up to me and he's like "excuse me, can I say something?" And I was like "yeah" and he said "this man behind you keeps staring at you and your friend the whole time. I just wanted to let you know" so I turn around and he's right so I was like "thanks you for letting me know, I really appreciate it" and he smiled and the guy stayed on the bridge between us and the man to keep an eye on the man until we left how sweet is that

Then we were sitting in the grass and this guy with a group of his friends (they were the typical "we hang out in parks with a group of guys a lot and we listen to super loud music in public and people walk around us instead of past us" guys) and one of them came up to me & I don't have any prejudices so I didn't mind at all. He told us he was looking for weed and asked us if we knew where we could get it but we weren't from around there because we were in a different country. So he asks where I'm from and I'm like "the Netherlands" and he's like "lots of coffee shops to get weed there!" And I nodded and he was like "next time you visit here you should give me a call and let me know" with a laugh but he didn't ask for my phone number or anything. It was just a innocent joke.

So he and his friends sit down not too far from us and my friend and I are just talking and he comes up to me, saying "excuse me" first 'cause he was very gentle, and he was like "You shouldn't wear your sunglasses 'cause your eyes are way too pretty for that!" Which was adorable honestly

Then they were leaving but I was calling with my mom and he again said "excuse me" but saw I was on the phone and didn't want to bother me. So I then looked back and I saw him looking back at me and when he saw me look he smiled and waved hahaha. He wasn't my type at all but honestly it was the cutest way anyone has ever hit on me. Most people think that those type of guys are always scary and catcalling but he was so sweet and it was just very cute.

Long chapter! 2340 words. Enjoy!


"You, my baby, are very lucky I'm over 18 'cause my momma wouldn't let me stay away from home so many evenings if I was under 18", Josh said as he softly pressed his nose against Tyler's. Tyler closed his eyes and hummed approvingly as he rested his hand in the middle of Josh's chest and moved his fingertips back and forth from and to the palm of his hand.

"I'm just very happy that you are here", Tyler whispered. "Me too, baby", Josh replied.

Tyler hooked his leg around Josh's and then sighed.

"You should take your pants off", Tyler said. Josh hummed. "Alright", he said as he tried to undo the button with one hand, since Tyler was resting his head on Josh's other arm.

"Can you do it?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded as he unbuttoned Josh's jeans and helped Josh to pull them off.

Tyler then hooked his finger underneath the waistband of Josh's boxers and he looked up. His boyfriend nodded approvingly and Tyler slid Josh's boxers down and off fully as well, until he was completely naked.

He lay down again and hooked his leg around Josh's. He smiled. "That's better", he said as he closed his eyes.

Josh smiled as he ran his hand through Tyler's hair. "Did you finish your homework?" He asked. "Yeah, well kinda, not fully", Tyler said as he sat up.

I'm sad. Please help me. (A Joshler online/texting fic) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now