Merlin FanFic -- Feelings --

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hey there!!!!

i cant believe that i have uploaded in 4 days wooo!!!!

i will update again next week as it is half term yay!




next person to fan gets the dedication as always :)


Chapter 8 –

        Merlin was riding fast through the forest and he knew that he had to keep going until he had reached the border. He also knew that Arthur would be coming after him and that was one thing he didn’t want. Merlin rode with a heavy and just wanted to start a new life away from Camelot and Arthur and be left alone. After a long ride Merlin came to the border of Camelot and Cenrad’s kingdom. Merlin stopped at the border and sighed; he looked across the border and at Cenrad’s kingdom and wondered whether he would be as happy there as he was in Camelot. Suddenly Merlin the galloping of horses and turned round to find that Arthur and his knights were charging towards him. Merlin panicked and made his horse go into a gallop across the border and once a few feet over the line he stopped and turned round where Arthur and the knights had stopped and were looking at him. He looked at Arthur and felt nothing but betrayal.
“Merlin!” Arthur shouted excitedly. Arthur hadn’t given up on finding Merlin and was glad to see him safe and sound but over the border. He had to stop at the border but he wanted Merlin to come back where he could apologize and make things right. All he wanted was to have his friend back.
“What?” Merlin called back coldly and Arthur was surprised. He couldn’t understand why Merlin was being like this; he thought that they had gotten on.
“Come back Merlin.” Arthur said trying to reach out to Merlin and Merlin frowned. Merlin looked at Arthur full of disgust; he wasn’t going to go back across the border so they could burn him at the stake. He wasn’t that much of an idiot.

“No.” Merlin finally replied.
“Merlin please.” Arthur begged and that Merlin just got angrier. Merlin set his jaw and looked at Arthur.

“I am not coming back so I can be hanged or burnt for my gifts Arthur. I am not willing to die.”
“But-“Arthur began to say something when he was cut of by Merlin’s eyes glowing gold. Arthur had seen them glow once before when he had used magic and hoped that the magic wasn’t aimed at him. Merlin felt the rush of magic run through his veins and then said a small spell which threw Arthur and the other knights of their horses and out cold on the floor. Merlin looked at them once more before turning away and riding further into Cenrad’s kingdom where he could hopefully start a new life.

       Merlin had been riding all day and was exhausted. He rode along gently searching for a place where he could spend the night. He had been searching for a little while when he came across a small cabin. Merlin smiled at the thought of somewhere to stay and rode up to the cabin which had a smoking chimney which was a good sign. Merlin got off his horse and went up to the door and knocked. No answer. Merlin knocked again and when he got nothing he went inside and looked around. It was a simple large room which had a fireplace and large bed on either side. Merlin looked round and found no one. He shrugged and went and grabbed his bags from his horse and brought them in and decided that he would wait for the person who lived here to return so he could ask whether he could stay here. Merlin walked over to the fireplace and placed his bags down and then wandered around the room. He came across some shelves and looked at the contests more closely. He spotted some books and on closer inspection discovered that they were for magic. Merlin felt a surge of hope and wondered if the person that lived here had magic too and whether or not they could share experience and maybe the person who lived here could teach him some more spells. Merlin was excited by the idea and then finally came to bed where he sat down. He felt his eyelids droop from exhaustion and found himself curling up on the bed and drifting off to sleep. He hoped that the person who lived here wouldn’t mind.
     She was walking along back from the village where she got her supplies from and was smiling at the sky. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining. She walked along slowly taking in all the sun and gently swinging her basket beside her. it was rare moments like this where she could just be herself and forget her old life and embrace her new life of living alone where it was peaceful. She was turning over information in her head of the latest information from Camelot. She had heard that the great Arthur had kicked out his servant Merlin for having magic and using it to save his life. She had thought that this was hilarious. Merlin couldn’t have magic, he was too much of an idiot to have magic and be good at it. She laughed to herself out loud and smiled at the thought of Merlin having magic, it made her laugh harder. She had also heard that Arthur had been searching for Merlin and that Merlin had entered Cenrad’s kingdom which where she was now. All she hoped was that she didn’t run into him as after all he had tried to end her life. Sighing she could see the reason behind it as she had tried to kill Uther and he just wanted to protect the king. She snorted. Some king. How things had changed. Taking her time to get back to the cabin was nice as she had all the time in the world and with her sister gone and all; well she could lover her life to full. She couldn’t believe that her sister had betrayed her and wanted the magic all herself. Sighing again she picked up her pace a little as she found herself getting caught up in too many memories and slowing down to an almost stop. She smiled as the beautiful lake came into view and she was breath taken every time. She stood there for a moment taking in the view and thought herself lucky that she had all to herself. She too ka deep breath and then carried on walking. After a while she found her small cabin among the tress and smiled. Her home where she was safe and alone. She found that she was lonely at times and wished that she had someone to love but that was the price she paid for living alone and wanting to be alone. The chimney was still smoking just as she left it and she skipped down the hill eager to get inside and start her dinner. She was famished. She was a little way down the small hill that she travelled to get to the cabin when she noticed a horse standing there. She stopped dead in her tracks knowing that something was wrong. Someone was in her cabin and they were going to pay. She crept slowly down the rest of the small hill and crept up to the cabin. She looked through the small hole in the door and couldn’t see anything out of ordinary. She creaked open the door slowly and cringed at the noise that it made. She stepped inside and looked around on guard. She looked around and found that someone was curled up on her bed and they looked to be sleeping. She placed her basket down quietly and then walked over to the person. As she got closer she recognized the clothes and hoped that it wasn’t. She came to the bed and looked down to find Merlin sleeping soundly. She was about to use her magic to kill him when he fidgeted and cried out. She stopped and listened and found that he was whimpering.
“Please Arthur. I was only using my magic to protect you.” He whispered and she stood there stunned. Merlin couldn’t have magic could he? She took a step back in shock and tripped over a near by chair and fell backwards knocking plates off a table near by. She watched Merlin’s eyes snap open and jump off the bed alert. His eyes then rested on her and she felt as if she had been hit by a wall. As her eyes connected with his she felt the connection and all she wanted to do was get up and kiss him. She felt strange and was confused on why she felt this way. Merlin looked down at her and was shocked. As soon as his eyes connected with hers. He felt his body go on fire. He felt his feelings well up inside him and as he stood there he felt the connection too. He wanted to kiss her but knew that it would be wrong. She was evil and tried to undo everything that he had worked for. Could he honestly love her of all people? He was still staring at her and then realized that he hadn’t said a word. He then looked away and felt everything focus. He stood on guard as she stood up and faced him. Merlin carefully averted his eyes so he couldn’t feel the same thing again. It was almost as strong as it was when he was with Freya. He knew that he had to look at her so Merlin took a deep breath and looked at her. The feelings erupted inside him again as he looked at her but they weren’t as strong. He was about to say something when all thoughts escaped him. He could only whisper her name.





next person to fan gets the dedication :P

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