Merlin FanFic -- Leave Now --

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Hey there!

sorry for the long wait but i think the wait has been worth it and here is the next chapter :)

i had a good comment about the children not being in it anymore so i have decided to reintroduce them again and make them a more central part to the story.




next person to fan gets the dedication.


Chapter 21 –

       It was now or never. Merlin knew that he had to choose between Arthur and Morgana and he could feel his heart shattering. He glanced between them both and Arthur looked at him helplessly and Merlin could see that Arthur was accepting his fate. He glanced at Morgana and he could see the hatred behind her eyes and all the hurt and it made his heart break even more but it made him decide.
“I am so sorry.” He whispered looking at Morgana and stepped in front of Arthur blocking him from her and took a deep breath and threw his magic at her. He heard her scream as she flew backwards and he tried hard not to let the tears fall. Morgana fell the floor in a heap and struggled to sit up feeling the dizziness. She glanced at Merlin feeling betrayed and hurt as she thought that he would understand but she then realized that Merlin would always pick Arthur as Merlin thought that it was his destiny and was easily fooled. She looked up at his face and she knew that he was hurting like she was and she could also see that he didn’t want to hurt her but had no choice. Morgana knew that she had no choice either and pulled herself to her feet and glared at Merlin making sure not to tap into her pain and let the anger flow, she knew that it would be better for them both.
“It was always Arthur wasn’t it?” She spat and Merlin felt the words stab into his chest as he shook his head.
“I know where my responsibility lie Morgana and I’m not blinded by hate.”
“Hate?” Morgana laughed a cold laugh and Merlin couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.  “You don’t know the meaning of the word Merlin! You always give in and are taken in too easily.” Merlin felt the rage course through his veins.
“Enough of this! Leave now Morgana!” he roared and Morgana felt a little taken aback at the power radiating from him but she knew that he would never hurt her. He loved her too much. She just laughed.
“You won’t do anything Merlin, you are too soft.” Merlin then saw red and couldn’t take it anymore. He allowed all of his anger to flow through him and he launched it at Morgana. She saw it coming and used her magic to dodge the attack and threw more magic back at him. Merlin pushed it away like it was nothing and kept on throwing attacks at her while making his way slowly towards her. Morgana started to panic as his attacks were getting stronger and stronger and she couldn’t deflect power like that. She used all of her power to push him back but nothing happened, Merlin kept on pushing it away like it was nothing. He then came to a stop in front of her and he glared at her.
“You will leave Camelot right now and not return. I am not going to kill you as that would be too easy.” He watched as her eyes go wide and he was glad that she was scared. He was too angry to care.
“Leave. Now.” He growled and Morgana then knew that she had crossed the line and scuttled out of the room making a detour towards the knight’s quarters to find Gwaine. She smiled with an idea forming in her mind.

             Merlin was still breathing heavily after Morgana had left and he didn’t know what to feel. He heard Arthur getting up and walking towards him but Merlin did move or turn around. He felt a strong hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you Merlin.” Merlin said nothing as he kept staring at the place in which Morgana had stood. Arthur didn’t know what to say or do as he watched Merlin. He could see the pain on his face and his heart went out to him and he felt sorry for him having to choose but he was glad that he had chosen him. He didn’t know what he would have done if he had chosen Morgana. Arthur pursed his lips and decided to leave Merlin alone to deal with his thoughts. Arthur left the throne room and headed straight to Gaius who was in his chambers. The old man looked up at Arthur and Gaius then knew that something awful had happened and braced himself.
“What happened?” He demanded and Arthur then launched into what happened with the battle and Merlin choosing Arthur’s side. Gaius sighed once Arthur had finished.

“Where is he now?” He asked.

“Throne room.” Gaius nodded.

“It is best if we leave him to have some space sire. Where are the children?” Arthur was confused for a moment and then realized that he hadn’t seen Merlin’s children in a while and felt guilty for making Merlin work so much and making him spend less time with them.

“They are in their chambers I believe.” Gaius then had a dreaded thought and looked at Arthur panicked.
“What is it Gaius?”
“Where did Morgana go?”
“I believe she left Camelot straight away. Why?” Gaius shook his head and felt that something was horribly wrong.
“Do you know for sure where the children are sire?” Arthur frowned being really confused and then got onto the same thought as Gaius and he felt his blood go cold. Arthur spun and raced from the room calling the guards as he went. He raced to their chambers and broke through the door and found the chambers empty. Arthur could feel the dread and demanded that the knights search the kingdom for Morgana and the children. The knights nodded feeling the urgency and left immediately. Arthur raced back to the throne room where Merlin still stood frozen. Arthur didn’t want to have to break the news to Merlin but he knew that he had no choice.
“Merlin?” He asked gently but Merlin didn’t move or look at him.
“This is really important Merlin. It’s your children.” Merlin knew that there was something wrong from the tone of voice that Arthur used and he snapped his eyes to Arthur’s.
“What do you mean?” He demanded and Arthur grimaced.
“Morgana has taken them and gone.” Merlin felt the blood drain from his face and fell into despair.

“No.” He whispered. He couldn’t let her take the children, they were his world.
“We have every knight looking for them now Merlin. We will find them.” Merlin’s mind started to race and he knew that they wouldn’t be able to find them; she would guard them with her magic. Merlin got to his feet not realizing that he had been on the floor and began to make his way outside.
“Merlin?” Arthur called and Merlin turned to look at him.
“Where are you going?” Arthur demanded and Merlin began to carry on walking away from Arthur.
“You wont find them Arthur, I know what she is like but I know someone that can.” He called over his shoulder and he could Arthur jogging to catch up to him.
“Who?” Merlin gave a small smile.
“The great dragon of course.” Arthur shivered as he was still not comfortable with magic and certainly not around dragons.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Merlin nodded.
“If anyone can find them then he can.” Merlin left the castle with Arthur hot on his heels and Merlin began to pick up the pace and soon they were running through the town towards the outskirts. Merlin stopped in a large field and began to command the dragon to come to him using his dragon lord tone. Arthur watched his awe as Merlin called the dragon to him and he could feel the power coming from him. Suddenly they both heard the dragon’s roar and saw him come into view before landing in front of them. The dragon bowed slightly to Merlin and Merlin did the same.
“What can I do for you young warlock?”
“Morgana has took my children and ran; I need someone who can find them.” He dragon smiled.
“And you think I can do this?” Merlin glared.
“I know you can.”
“Well young warlock, if you had taken my advice in the first place we would be here today with you asking for my help.” Merlin grimaced.

“I know and I have suffered the consequences because of it. I can’t let her take my children, please help me.” The dragon looked at Merlin before glancing at Arthur before turning back to Merlin and bowing his head.
“I will see what I can do Merlin.” With that he took off into the sky leaving a stunned Arthur and a hopeful Merlin.





thanks for reading

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