Merlin FanFic -- Wake Up --

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Hey there!!!!!

Sorry that it has been soooo long but i am so busy with college work and then i had no internet :( but i have it back now so YAY!




next person to fan gets the dedication


Chapter 19 –

           He smiled to himself as he walked down the bustling streets of Camelot. Looking around the streets, the world seemed even more alive then it did before and he didn’t care. Merlin walked along watching everything intently and wondered why he wasn’t working for Arthur today but soon let the thought slide when he realized that he never got a day off since he returned with Morgana. Merlin stopped in the middle of the street thinking about Morgana and how he hadn’t seen her in a while and Merlin felt guilty for not spending time with her. Merlin pursed his lips and seemed determined to go and find Morgana to tell her that he loved her and that they were going to spend the day together. He began to make his way back to the castle making sure to use the servants quarters so Arthur didn’t see him and give him a list of things to do. Merlin stopped outside the door to his and Morgana’s room and grinned like the idiot he was. He took a deep breath and walked through the door that had been left open slightly. Merlin crept in quietly wanting to surprise his Morgana but then stopped in his tracks when he looked up and saw her. He felt his whole world stop when he saw her with Gwaine and they were kissing, he felt his heart shatter into tiny pieces as he stood there and watched their embrace. Merlin couldn’t believe what he was seeing and he thought that Morgana loved him and that Gwaine was his friend. Anger and betrayal began to wash through him and he felt the hot tears build up in his eyes. He then cleared his throat to make his presence known but nothing happened, they were still going at it. Merlin cleared his throat again angrily but still nothing and he frowned and walked over to where they were and aimed a punch at Gwaine. His fist went straight through his face and Merlin stood there in shock. Looking around him, Merlin hoped that he just imagined it and tried again but got the same result. Merlin started to panic and he tried to touch Morgana and nothing was happening. Movement caught his eye and Morgana and Gwaine had stopped kissing and were looking at each other intently.
“I have to tell him.” She whispered and Gwaine touched her face gently.
“I know. We will tell him together when Arthur returns with the antidote.” Merlin stood there stumped. Antidote? Why would Arthur be getting an antidote but it did explain why he had the day off but he thought that he would be accompanying Arthur. Merlin took a step back and watched helplessly as they embraced before turning away. He was about to leave and drown in his own sorrows when something caught his eye. Merlin glanced at the bed and saw that there was someone in it and he felt annoyed that Morgana had let someone in their bed. He walked over to the bed and peered over and froze.

           He saw himself laying there looking pale. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks, he had been poisoned and Arthur was out there fetching the antidote. Merlin glanced back at Morgana and Gwaine who were once again kissing and Merlin felt the floor just fall away from him and he leant against the bed and let a tear fall and just wanting to die. He just wanted to be alone and never see her again. The sorrow that rose up in Merlin was overwhelming and he began to let go and hoped that his suffering would end soon. He didn’t notice that Morgana rushed over to him and was shouting for him to hold on and shouting for help. His whole world slowed down and everything seemed to go silent as Merlin got ready to give up and let go. Merlin raised his head and Gaius came rushing in the room and over to him, Merlin just smiled sadly and hoped that Gaius would forgive him. Suddenly he felt a sharp jolt and he knew that it was his pain. Merlin looked up and Morgana was chanting and Gaius was trying to stop her. She screamed the last of the words and Merlin felt the jolt once again but more violently. He winced as the pain went straight through him but he somehow knew that it wasn’t his. He then realized that it was Arthur who was in pain and Merlin glared at Morgana even though she couldn’t see, she had done this to Arthur and she was hurting him. Merlin couldn’t let go if he knew that Arthur needed his help. Merlin used his magic and channeled it towards Arthur and hoped that he could overpower Morgana’s magic but he was quickly tiring. Merlin could feel himself slipping away but he kept on fighting for Arthur’s sake and hoped that he could save him.

        Arthur kept on going but was struggling. He knew that he was getting help as the pain had subsided a little and he knew that it was Merlin helping him. Arthur was grateful to see his home and soon reached the steps in which he threw himself from his horse and collapsed to the ground. The pain was excruciating and Arthur knew that Merlin was weakening as the pain was getting worse, the knights helped Arthur to his feet and soon they were inside and heading for Merlin’s chambers. The knights reached the door before Arthur and opened them for him and he staggered through grateful for Percival’s assistance. He saw Gaius stand up and make his way over to him.
“What’s wrong boy?” He demanded and Arthur glared at Morgana who was crying heavily next to Merlin.
“This is her doing.” Arthur rasped and Gaius shook his head.
“Were you successful?” Gaius hoped that Arthur would say yes and when he nodded Gaius wanted to hug the young king. Leon brought the blood to Gaius who rushed to Merlin’s side and opened his mouth before pouring some of the liquid down his throat. Arthur watched from a distance and was exhausted and was still thinking of ways to kill Morgana for what she had done. Arthur looked at Gaius.
“Why is nothing happening?” He demanded and pushed himself up from his seat and stagger over to Merlin who lay there lifeless. Gaius shook his head in disbelief and stared down at Merlin who had stopped breathing. He wouldn’t accept that he was too late. Gaius felt a tear slide down his cheek.
“We were too late.” He whispered and Arthur refused to believe him. He couldn’t let Merlin die.
“There must be something you can do! We gave him what he needed!” Arthur roared feeling the tears rise up in his eyes.
“We did everything right sire, we were just too late.” Gaius sniffed and took Merlin’s hand in his and gave it gentle squeeze. Gaius held onto his hand and felt his heart start to break. He collapsed down next to Merlin and began to sob. He then felt a twitch. Gaius’s head shot up and looked at Merlin and Arthur noticed the movement and knew that something had happened.
“What is it Gaius?” He demanded and Gaius didn’t answer, he was staring at Merlin and then felt another twitch. Gaius let out the breath that he had been holding and began to laugh. Arthur couldn’t understand why Gaius was laughing and why he was so happy until he saw Merlin’s eye flutter open. Arthur couldn’t believe his eyes when Merlin began to wake up and felt a huge relief and knew that he wasn’t going to loose his dearest friend. Merlin began to come round slowly and he could feel that he was coming back slowly. He opened his eyes and looked straight into Gaius’s eyes and never had been happier. He saw Gaius smile and begin to laugh before pulling Merlin up into a hug. Merlin laughed weakly and hugged Gaius back. Gaius held him at arm’s length looking at him sternly and Merlin knew that he was in for a lecture.
“Don’t you ever do that to me again! I thought you were dead.” Merlin laughed and sat up on his own before looking around the room. He then met Arthur’s eyes and Merlin felt himself smile.
“Thank you Arthur, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.” Arthur rolled his eyes.
“Well I can’t a decent man servant anywhere else so I couldn’t let you die.” Merlin chuckled knowing that Arthur was glad to see him too. Merlin was shocked when Arthur sat beside Merlin and gave him a light punch on the arm.
“It’s good to have you back.” Merlin smiled and noticed that Arthur looked exhausted and still in pain which made him frown. Merlin leaned foreword and grasped Arthur’s arm and felt the magic begin to rush through him. He could tell that his magic was weak but he wanted Arthur to stop being in pain. Merlin felt the magic flow through him and to Arthur. Merlin pulled away when he felt weak and the magic indicated that he had done enough. Merlin leaned against the bed and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment and he then felt Arthur touch his arm and he opened his eyes.
“Thank you Merlin, for everything.” Merlin just smiled and then turned to face the person that he didn’t want to see.
“Hello Merlin.” Morgana said happily and Merlin just glared at her.
“How could you Morgana? I thought you loved me.” Morgana seemed shock and surprised.
“What are you talking about?” She stuttered and Merlin pushed himself from the bed forcing himself to stay up right and he noticed that Arthur had taken a step closer to him.

“You know what! I saw you Morgana! I saw you and Gwaine while I was unconscious!” Merlin yelled feeling the hatred rise up. Morgana shook her head and take a step towards him.
“Merlin. I didn’t want you to find out this way.” She whispered and Merlin shook his head.
“We are done Morgana! We are done.” Merlin then ran from the room hoping to get as far as he could away from Morgana. 





Thanks for reading!

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