Merlin FanFic -- Morgana --

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hellooooo there!!!

here is the next chapter and i hope that you all enjoy it!




next person to fan gets the dedication as always :)


Chapter 9 –

       Morgana was at loss with herself. She had never felt anything like this before and she was still trying to get her head around it. She was still looking up at Merlin and he was looking down at her. The way he looked warmed her on the inside and made her feel loved, something which she hadn’t had since she found out she had powers. She had thought that Uther had loved her as she was his own but she was wrong once she discovered that she had magic. He would have wanted her dead like the rest. As she looked up at Merlin she knew that it was all about to change. The way that he looked at her was full of love and compassion. She knew that it was as strong in her as it was in Merlin. Merlin then felt himself snap in reality and he glanced around and found that he was still in Morgana’s hut and she was still on the floor where she had tripped and fallen. Merlin wanted to hit himself for being an idiot and leaving her on the floor. He reached a hand down towards her and he noticed her flinch. He felt his heart soften and fill with warmth. He knew that she could feel it too so he wasn’t going to give up. This was the best he had felt since Freya died and he knew that Morgana wasn’t Freya but he could finally accept that Freya was gone and that he had to move on, Freya would want him to do that. Morgana looked up at Merlin’s hand and was wary but eager to take it, she knew that taking it she would be happy and she knew that Merlin would care for her. She was wary as she didn’t know if she was ready to love. She watched Merlin stand there patiently waiting for her to take his hand. She realized that she would have to take a risk and she almost smiled at the thought of not knowing. She hadn’t for seen Merlin coming into her life and she was glad as she wanted to see for herself and not know. Morgana reached out her hand and placed it in Merlin’s warm hand. She felt him grip her hand gently and slowly pull her up so she was standing up right and close to him. Morgana couldn’t look away from his eyes and she saw that he was hurting and loving at the same time. He also looked tired for which she scolded herself for, she shouldn’t have woken him up. Merlin couldn’t look away from her, he was lost in her emerald green eyes and he saw that she was now happy. Merlin smiled and reached his hand out so he could hold hers. He took her small cold hand in his and linked his fingers with hers. He felt home. Morgana felt Merlin’s hand twine with hers and it felt good. She smiled too and was happy to see Merlin smile. She loved that smile. Using her other hand Morgana reached up and caressed Merlin’s face loving the smoothness. Merlin closed his eyes loving Morgana touching him and he sighed. When he opened his eyes he found Morgana smiling. He smiled too and then leaned in watching her intently and then brought his lips to hers. Her lips were soft against his and he wrapped his arms around her. Morgana wrapped her arms around him and melted into the embrace. Merlin was like nothing she had ever known. He was so gentle and kind as well as loving and she could have him all to herself. Merlin finally pulled away and ran his hands through her hair and rested his forehead on hers. He sighed happy.
“Wow.” He whispered and he heard Morgana chuckle. She pulled away so she could look at him and grinned and then frowned and touched under his eyes.

“You look tired.” Merlin shrugged feeling more tired then ever but he didn’t want to miss anything with Morgana.
“It’s nothing.” Morgana frowned.
“You should sleep.” Merlin just shook his head and kissed her forehead before pulling away fully so he was across from her. Morgana still saw the sadness in his eyes and was curious to why he was sad and why Merlin was in Cenrad’s kingdom. He was never away from Arthur’s side and she knew that something was wrong. She then wondered if Merlin really did have magic. She sat down on the bench and watched him look out the window for a moment. Merlin looked out the window and wished that he could see Camelot to reassure himself that everything was fine. He missed home already but he knew that he would never return. Arthur had betrayed him and that was unforgiveable. He sighed wishing that he was with Gaius and hoped that the old man would be okay on his own. He could feel Morgana watching him but he couldn’t turn around. He was trying to see Camelot but it was no use. He finally turned around and saw that Morgana was sitting on the bench looking at him. She looked worried. Merlin walked slowly over to the bench and sat beside her taking her hand.
“Why are you here Merlin? What happened?” Morgana asked quietly and Merlin felt sad all over again. He didn’t want to talk about it but he knew that he had to tell her. She deserved to know. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Morgana watched Merlin fidget and waited patiently to tell her what had happened. She knew something bad had happened. She watched Merlin run a hand through his hair and she almost laughed as his hair got messy but she liked it. She rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand as she saw that he was nervous. Merlin looked down and then smiled at Morgana, he felt himself calm down and relax.
“I was forced to leave Camelot.” Merlin whispered and he could feel the tears brim again but he pushed them back down knowing that there was nothing he could do and crying wouldn’t help anything. Morgana felt shocked. She was forced to leave Camelot as she had tried to kill Uther and wanted the kingdom for herself and because she had magic. She looked at Merlin and couldn’t think of any reason why he would have to leave Camelot. Arthur was so fond of him and she couldn’t think why he would banish him. She waited patiently for more as Merlin looked as if he was going to say more. Merlin felt it hard to tell her that he had magic. He knew that it shouldn’t but it was. After everything he and Morgana had been through, and he had kept the secret from her when she needed it most. He took a deep breath and decided to be through with it. the whole of Camelot knew that he had magic so why shouldn’t she?
“I was forced to leave because I used magic to save Arthur’s life and because Uther was going to kill me. Arthur made me leave to save my life but he still betrayed me as he was the ne that had told Uther. He thought magic was bad when I used it save his life. I’m not a bad person.” Merlin whispered the last part and put his head in his hands. He felt a tear fall at his stupidness and he felt angry and hurt. Morgana was shocked. Merlin had magic and he had never told her. She felt betrayed that when she came to him about it that he turned her away but she could see why he did it and she knew that she could forgive him. She loved him. She then felt angry at Arthur, Merlin had saved his life and then Arthur betrayed his own friend. Morgana wanted to take revenge on Arthur Pendragon. Morgana was thinking of evil ways to kill Arthur when she heard a sob from Merlin. She looked down and saw his head in his hands. She got off the stool and kneeled on the floor and looked u at him. She saw a tear escape and she felt all her anger go away. Merlin needed her and she was going to be there for him. She kneeled up and pulled him to her. Merlin went to her willingly and held on to her. He was the best thing he had now and he wasn’t ever going to lose it. He would protect her and together they would live a normal life where no one could harm them. He looked up at her and kissed her. He loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Morgana kissed Merlin back and she knew then that they would be okay and that they would live a life together free of Camelot and threat.





next person to fan gets the dedication! 

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