Merlin FanFic -- Another Falling Out --

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Hey there guys!

It feels like forever since i uploaded this story  and sorry i havent but i have had things on hold and i havent been able to think up anymore but i had a light bulb and here it is.





Next person to fan gets the dedication XD


Chapter 14 –

       Arthur was enjoying the peace and quiet from the ride in the beautiful morning sunshine when Merlin had to go and spoil it.
“Arthur.” Merlin started and Arthur sighed wondering if Merlin had an illness that made him idiot and not shutting up. He rolled his eyes.
“Yes Merlin.” Merlin trotted up beside Arthur. He looked at Arthur and was once again glad that he was back home and with his best friend.
“I need a few days off.” Merlin was blunt and straight to the point as he knew that he could never get Arthur in a good mood anyway. Arthur stopped in horse and looked at Merlin.
“A few days off?” He looked as if someone had asked him to commit murder to his best knight. Merlin rolled his eyes.
“Yes a few days off.” Arthur shook his head and couldn’t believe that Merlin was asking such a stupid thing.
“Why do you need days off Merlin? You are my servant and I need a servant all the time.” Merlin sighed knowing that this was going to turn into an argument. Arthur could be so selfish at times and he never understood Merlin. Arthur was starting to get annoyed with Merlin and wondered how he could ask for a few days off when he needed a servant.
“Arthur I have a wife and children and they need me. I want to spend time with them Arthur and teach my children magic but I can’t do that when I am with you all the time.” Arthur sighed.
“Get Gaius to teach them magic.” Merlin stopped his horse and stared at Arthur.
“I can’t believe you just suggested that Arthur. They are my children and I want to teach them magic and I want to spend time with them and my wife.” Arthur looked at Merlin.
“Stop being stupid Merlin.”
“Then stop being a clot pole.” Merlin replied at Arthur glared at Merlin.
“You are not having days off Merlin. I need you as my servant.” Merlin felt the anger building up inside of him and decided to teach Arthur a lesson. He felt the magic flow through his veins and then he directed it at Arthur. He felt the glow of his eyes when he used magic and watched as the magic pushed Arthur off his horse and into the mud face first. Arthur groaned as he rolled over and sat up in the mud. He felt confused and then realized that Merlin must have used his magic to push him from his horse. He looked up at Merlin who seemed pleased with himself.
“Merlin!” Arthur yelled and Merlin shrugged.
“You know what!” Arthur yelled and Merlin shrugged again.
“Haven’t got a clue Arthur.” Arthur got up from the mud and brushed it off before climbing back on his horse. He glared at Merlin.
“You used your magic to push me off.”
“Don’t know what you are talking about.” Merlin replied and knew that he was annoying Arthur but he didn’t care. He wanted a few days with his wife and children.
“Merlin you are such and idiot.” Arthur said angrily and Merlin squared his shoulders.
“Well this idiot is going home Arthur. I want to spend time with my family and it will get me away from a dollop head like you!” Merlin turned his horse and started to gallop back towards Camelot and away from Arthur not looking back. Arthur watched as Merlin rode off in shock. He couldn’t believe that Merlin had gone off like that when they were tracking a beast that liked to kill its victims. Arthur sighed and decided not to care about Merlin until he got back. He knew that he had to focus on the hunt ahead with a clear head.
“Let’s go.” Arthur ordered and he rode off with the knights of Camelot to hunt for the beast.

       Merlin was riding back slowly to Camelot enjoying the sunshine when he felt as if he was being followed. Merlin decided to ignore the feeling as he thought that it would be Arthur trying to annoy him. Merlin kept on riding when he heard a twig snap behind him. He brought his horse to a stop and glanced around him and found nothing. He sighed and almost slapped himself. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to see Arthur and the knights as they were really good at hunting and knew how to hide. Merlin got down from his horse and decided that when he found Arthur that he was going to teach him a lesson. He looked around him and then heard a twig snap from behind him and turned to find nothing there. Merlin sighed and began walking towards the sound when a huge creature jumped from the trees and landed right on top of him. Merlin panicked knowing that this was the creature that they were hunting and that it would kill him. Merlin felt the glow of magic and he shoved the monster back. It went flying into a tree and landed on the ground in a heap. Merlin scrambled to his feet and kept the flow of magic in his veins in case the monster got back up. He wanted to be safe. There was then a crash from behind and Merlin was brought to the ground by something snarling. He managed to turn round in the struggle and found another beat on top of him ready to kill. He used the magic and pushed the second beast back. Merlin jumped to his feet and the realized that the monsters must travel in packs as there was more than one. He knew that he would have to escape now and hoped that he would live to tell the tale. Merlin raced for his horse and jumped on and flew off into the woods hoping he could out run them. Merlin raced through the woods as fast as the horse would go and he kept looking round to see if he was being followed but found nothing. Merlin kept on going and was about to clear the trees when the monster dived in front of his path. Merlin turned the horse narrowly escaping a run in with the beast and kept going. He was then suddenly pulled from his horse and he hit the ground. Merlin jumped to his feet ready feeling his heart racing. He ran for the trees but then was brought down by a monster. Merlin kicked and punched the best he could but the monster was too strong and bit down hard on his shoulder. Merlin screamed out and shot the beast away with magic. Merlin struggled to his feet and ran for the clearing and made it. He glanced back and saw nothing but he knew that they were still out there. Merlin kept on running until he reached the gates of Camelot. Once through to the safety of Camelot Merlin stopped to catch his breath and felt his knees give way from the fear of almost dying. The people around him looked at him worriedly but he couldn’t focus on them. He was lucky to be alive and was the only person to survive an attack of the monsters. Merlin’s sight was then blinded by the sight of red and then saw a knight crouch in front of him. Percival. Arthur had made sure that he had stayed behind as he always wanted a knight of Camelot in the castle. Percival looked at Merlin who looked as if he had seen a ghost and then he saw that no one else was with him. He was about to say something when he saw a red patch on Merlin’s shoulder. Percival leaned foreword and ignored Merlin’s weak protests and pulled his shirt down to reveal a huge bite in the shoulder and it was losing blood.
“What happened?” Percival demanded. Merlin looked up at him trying to slow his heart rate.
“I was riding back to Camelot alone when the beast attacked.” Percival nodded and then scooped up Merlin and headed towards the castle and headed straight for Gaius who was in his room mixing potions. Gaius looked up and was shocked to find Merlin in Percival arms. Percival placed him gently upright on the table and Gaius hurried over.
“Where is Arthur?” Percival demanded.
“Arthur is with the other knights hunting the beast.” Merlin replied and felt light headed from the wound.
“Why are you alone?” Percival hated grilling Merlin like this but he needed to know that the king was safe.

“Arthur and I had a disagreement and I decided to come back alone.” Percival nodded and then wished Merlin well before leaving. Merlin nodded weakly and then allowed Gaius to start cleaning the wound.





Next person to fan gets the dedication :)

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