Merlin FanFic -- Hell Yeah! --

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Hey there!

Here is the next chapter and i hope that you all enjyoy

Thanks for reading :D





Chapter 18 –

          She walked with a quick pace and made sure that she escaped the castle without notice and made her way to the woods. She was apprehensive as the last time she had been here, her and sister made plans to destroy Camelot and the memories were coming back to haunt her. Morgana quickened her pace and made into the woods and kept on going. She reached her destination and came to a stop looking around the clearing finding nothing. The night was doing strange things to her mood as she was feeling helpless and scared. She then suddenly heard branches snap behind her. Morgana span round and found nothing and felt the fear starting to rise up through her body. She knew that she shouldn’t be scared as she had magic and she could defend herself but deep down the fear was getting caught. Morgana turned to the sound of leaves rustling on the other side of her so she turned around and met nothing but the darkness. She was debating whether or not to leave and go back to the safety of the castle when she felt strong arms wrap round her like a vice. Morgana panicked and used her magic to free her from her attacker. Morgana tried to slow her breathing and turned around slowly and saw that Gwaine was lay on the floor slightly dazed. She felt a small rush of anger and marched towards him before hitting him on the back of the head.
“Are you mad? You should never sneak up on a person like that, especially in the woods at night.” Gwaine looked up at her and she felt all the anger melt away as she slid down to the floor beside him. She rested a hand on his cheek and smiled and Morgana knew that she felt at peace when she was with Gwaine. He was her true love. Gwaine still felt dazed by the magic that his love had used on him but he could easily forget as he felt her soft gentle hand brush against his cheek and he knew that he would die for this woman and he didn’t know if that was a good thing. Gwaine looked into her eyes and h could tell that she had gotten over her anger and that she was herself again and compassionate, the thing that he had always admired. Slowly he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers and as soon as their lips touch, he felt the magic rush through his body and he felt alive. Morgana felt the same thing as Gwaine as his lips touched hers and she found that she couldn’t get enough of him and so she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back with fire that should have come from the great dragon. Gwaine wrapped his arms around Morgana and soon they were into themselves and both had never been so happy.

             The strike paid off as well as the diversion. Arthur and his knights were fighting the beast when Leon struck the beast from behind making it draw blood. The beast roared and tried to turn around to face the attackers but Arthur knew that this was the only chance that they had.
“Keep fighting.” Arthur yelled as he struck another blow to the beast making it turn back to face the fight at hand. Leon stepped back and watched Percival’s back as he stepped foreword and filled the bottle with the beast’s blood. Percival knew that the beast would soon turn around and attack and he was scared as his sword was at his side but his hands were full with the bottle. He was aware that Leon was behind him watching the beasts every movement ready to help when the beast turned around. He carried on filling the bottle until it was full and he gladly moved out of the way with Leon and just in time as the beast swung round and knocked Arthur and the rest of the knights down. Leon stepped foreword knowing that he had to protect his king and fellow knights and soon after Percival had drawn his sword and they were both attacking the beast while Arthur and his knights recovered from the blow. Arthur stumbled to his feet and watched for a moment as Leon and Percival carried on fighting.
“Did you get the blood?” Arthur shouted.
“Yes sire! It is strapped to your horse.” Percival shouted and Arthur nodded and started to feel the excitement as he knew that he would be able to save Merlin.
“Retreat men.” Arthur commanded and the knights gradually started to fall and the beast thought that it had won the fight and made its escape as it was wounded and need time to heal. Arthur and the knights scanned the forest and made sure that the beast wasn’t going to attack for a while before racing to their horses and heading back towards Camelot with the antidote to save Merlin.    

                Morgana was in her own personal heaven. She had spent the whole night with Gwaine and she was really over the moon about it. They had stayed out all night and they both had to sneak back into the castle when the morning sun rose as Gwaine had to go back to guarding and Morgana wanted to check on Merlin. She still couldn’t shake the guilt that had seized her about Merlin and what she was doing and she knew that the guilt would get worse and worse until Merlin was well and she could tell him the truth. Morgana made her way back to the room where Merlin was and she knew that something was off before she had gotten through the door and she could feel the amount of magic that was in that room. She peered her head cautiously round the door and saw that no one was there so she stepped into the room. Morgana made her way over to Merlin and she could feel the strength of magic getting stronger so she knew that it was from him. She bent down beside him and touched his forehead which was really hot and she saw that he had a fever. Merlin then began to thrash about the bed and he seemed to be fighting the poison or something else and Morgana felt helpless and shouted for help. She could feel the tears run down her cheek as she wanted to Merlin to be okay and she soon felt a strong pair of arms pull her up and into their strong chest but her crying didn’t stop, it was only the sobs that fell silent. Gaius then entered the room expecting the worse and rushed to Merlin’s side and touched his fever.
“The poison is taking over and he can’t fight it for much longer.” Gaius said sadly and he heard Morgana cry harder and was shocked to see Gwaine with his arms around Morgana holding her close and then Gaius knew that something must be going on and he then felt disappointment towards Gwaine and anger towards Morgana. Gaius ignored the pair behind him and began to work on Merlin and try to slow the poison even more trying everything that he could. Gaius began to feel the frustration as he was down to his last two remedies that would help but he knew that they wouldn’t help. Finally Gaius had to give up and collapsed by the side of Merlin and held his hand tightly.
“There must be something you can do! Anything!” Morgana shrieked and Gaius just shook his head.
“I have tried everything and I can’t do anything. It’s just a matter of time.” Morgana felt herself break and she rushed forward and pulled a book of magic from under her bed before running to Merlin’s side and flicking open the book. She began to search desperately to find a cure for Merlin so she could heal him. She felt at loss when the book didn’t have anything and refused to give up. Morgana was about to give up when she came across a spell and she knew that this might get the right message across and before anyone could stop her, she was chanting.

          Arthur felt on a high as he and his knights rode back to Camelot. Arthur led the way back to Camelot and he didn’t want to stop for anything. They were about to cross a river when Arthur felt a sharp pain in his chest making him cry out. He felt the heart wrenching pain and fell from his horse clutching his chest and was soon surrounded by his knights who were desperately trying to find out what was wrong. Arthur had never felt a pain like it and he could feel it deep down in his heart and he could feel his heart breaking but he somehow knew that it wasn’t his breaking. Arthur gasped for air and tried to breathe but the pain was getting worse. He felt as if his whole world was falling to pieces and he was losing someone that he loved. Arthur shut his eyes to try and breathe and that was when he saw the flash of Morgana’s face and her agony. He then knew that she must have used magic so he could feel her pain and Arthur knew that a pain that would cause that much harm was Merlin dying. He tried to scramble to his feet but was difficult and managed to call out to his knights to mount him on his horse and with their help he did. Through the pain Arthur managed to ride on and he was even more determined to get back to Camelot and save Merlin and then shouting at Morgana for doing that to him.





thanks for reading

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