Merlin FanFic -- She's Gone --

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Hey there!

I know that i promised to update this story ages ago and i am sorry but i didnt have the time :/

Hope you all enjoy




next person to fan gets the dedication.


Chapter 24 –

       Morgana smiled when she saw Merlin when she opened the door, she wad glad that he had come and she knew that he would not come alone. She scanned the area around her but found no one but she knew that meant nothing, the knights of Camelot were very good at hiding. Morgana had put the children to sleep in the cabin and placed a sleeping spell so that they wouldn’t wake up for a few hours so they could fight. She also knew that if the children saw their father, they would want to go with him or want to know why they were fighting and she could not risk that. She could not risk losing her children. She glared at Merlin and gave him a cold smile.
“I knew that you would come eventually.” Merlin felt sick to his core when he looked at her cold smile and all he could feel was bad aura off her, she had fallen into rage and hatred and it had also consumed her.
“Give me the children Morgana.” Merlin warned. He knew that he was the distraction and bait while some of the knights went and retrieved his children, he could trust Arthur with their lives. Just then the knights strode foreword and surrounded Merlin and glared at Morgana.
“Do as he says Morgana or we will use force.” Percival warned and Morgana just chuckled.
“You knights wouldn’t be able to harm me.”

“But I would.” Merlin warned. She gave Merlin a cold stare and he could feel it go right through him making him shiver.
“Scared?” She cooed.
“Not at all Morgana, not of you.” He shot back.
“Are you going to give me the children or not?” Merlin had reached the end of his patience. She just laughed and she knew that she was pushing all of the right buttons, getting him to where she wanted him.
“Come and get them.” The knights let out a battle cry and ran foreword towards the witch but she was faster and threw them backwards with her magic. Merlin then stepped foreword. He looked at her and gave her a small smile.
“Goodbye Morgana.” He titled his head back and he felt the strong magic throw her back and he watched as she came down on the ground hard. He knew that he had started a battle, just right where he wanted her. Clambering to her feet Morgana was outraged and screamed as she let her magic flow free through her letting out all the hatred that she had making her powerful. Merlin hadn’t realised how powerful she had become and he flew backwards and came down on a rock hard. He groaned as he felt the pain shoot through his ribs and accepted the fact that they were broken. He struggled to his feet to see Morgana smiling happily.
“Not this time.” He whispered and let the magic flow but she just backhanded the magic away.

           Arthur crept foreword with Leon towards the back of the cabin. He looked around the side of the cabin to see Morgana use her magic to throw Merlin and Arthur watched helplessly as Merlin collided with the ground. He watched anxiously to see if he would get up but he wasn’t and he couldn’t see him move and Arthur started to panic. Morgana was about to turn around and see him when Merlin fired back struggling to sit up, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.  He gave Leon the nod and they headed towards the back door making sure to open it quietly. Arthur listened for any sounds but heard none, so they headed inside. Leon followed close behind Arthur scanning the cabin watching his flank then tapped Arthur’s shoulder when he saw the children sleeping soundly on the bed. Arthur looked round then saw the children and he was happy to see them and made his way over to them. He shook Isolde’s shoulder gently to wake her but he got no response so he tried Tristan but got nothing, frowning Arthur tried again but a little harder but got nothing. He checked to see if they were breathing and was relieved that they were and he looked at Leon confused. Leon glanced at the children.
“Morgana’s magic.” Arthur should have known and he knew that they were wasting time just standing there so Arthur picked up Isolde while Leon got Tristan. They made it to the back door with no issues and Arthur thought that it had been too easy and that they shouldn’t have made it outside without something going wrong. He was proven right when a whit dragon appeared out of no where and roared at them. Arthur and Leon looked at each other in shock and made a run for it towards the trees but the dragon blocked their exit and pushed them towards the clearing and Morgana. Some of the knights that were hiding in the trees came to their aid but were attacked by the dragon and knocked out cold or injured from the fire that he breathed. Arthur knew that he had to do something as he was running out of options and was getting to close to being seen by Morgana. He tried to spring foreword and dodge the dragon but failed. They had no choice but to head to the clearing.

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