Chapter 1

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The water is pushing me under as I catch my last breath of air.
I struggle against his grip, trying to get to the surface.
Even under the water I can hear his malicious laughs.
He's enjoying every single moment of this.
I claw at his hands as bright spots appear before my eyes.
His strength is too overpowering. I have no chance of getting free.
Panic sets in when I realize that I am going to drown.
With one final futile struggle to get free I bite his hand.
I float into unconsciousness as I feel him rip his hand away

I jerk awake in bed as I slowly come to the realization that it was just a dream.

He's gone, he's gone, he's gone.

I chant as a mantra. I pull my legs into my chest and wrap my arms around them.

What did Blake used to do? I ask myself, trying to remember anything comforting to take my mind off of my dream.

Then I remember the song that he used to hum to me whenever I had a nightmare.

I slowly hum the tune to myself as I rock back and forth.

If only these things had never happened in the first place... I think to myself as I slowly drift back asleep...


Note: Hello lovelies! This is my first book and I know that my writing isn't all that impressive or anything so I don't expect anything big out of it. However, I am in love with the books on this app and they bring me a lot of happiness, so I am hoping to bring some of you the same happiness and joy that I feel when I read! Have a great day! Adios!

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