Chapter 6

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I stop scrolling through my Instagram feed and look up from my phone as the bell above the door jingles.

And what I see before me is certainly a sight to see! I stare dumbly at the girl walking towards me. I could have sworn that it was Jenna..

(aka a VERY shy girl that also happens to be a complete bookworm that hates drawing unwanted attention to herself that ALSO happens to be my best friend! )

But the girl that I see standing in front of me has curled light purple hair, along with black skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt with the quote "Sleeping is the only sport I play" on it.

Jenna would never dress like that... she's always wearing the funkiest, brightest, craziest clothes that you could ever find!

Suddenly I see a hand waving in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Helloooooo, anyone in there?" Jenna says with a goofy smile on her face.

I snap out of it and reply, "Um hi, who are you and what did you do with my best friend?"

She laughs and replies, "Hi, maybe we haven't met but my name is Jenna Mcarthy and I believe that I'm your best friend."

I study her for a few more seconds and then bombard her with questions. "Jen, what the heck happened to you?! I mean I like your new look and all, but why did you do it? What happened to all of your funky clothes and messy buns? I knew that you loved the color purple and all but not enough to dye your hair! Oh and by the way, I LOVE your shirt!"

"Woah, woah, chill out Erin it's just a new look I'm trying," She says jokingly.

She continues, "Well while I was at art camp I decided that I needed a change, nothing caused it besides me deciding to! Well besides a really cute guy that is..." she says while blushing as red as a tomato.

I waste no time and start grilling her with questions about her so called "cute guy."


30 minutes and 2 milkshakes later Jenna has finished telling me all about how her summer was. I had found out that the guy she had met name's was Andy and he was our age, but he lived in the next county over.

I had also made Jenna promise to bring him and let me meet him as soon as possible, so that I could approve him worthy of her.

"So what happened over your summer? Anything good? Or should I say, anyone good?" Jenna asks, with a wink.

I send her a huge smile and joke back, "Oh ya know just watched a lot of Netflix and lounged around as usual. By the way have you watched the second season of our FAVORITEEE show yet?! All of the juicy episodes came out this summer!" I say, trying to take the focus off of me.

However, Jenna sees right through my act, as she always does. "Rin, did something happen this summer?" She asks with a frown.

I sigh knowing that she won't give up until I tell her the truth.

"The nightmares are back..." I say, rubbing my hands over my arms to try and make the chill bumps go away that appear whenever I think of him.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Come here!" She comes over to my side of the booth and gives me a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry that I haven't been here to help you, but I'm here and it's going to be okay now!" She rushes to tell me.

"Thanks Jen, I'm really glad you're here now." I smile weakly at her.

It feels good to have someone supporting me and helping me again.

"I'm going to go home and get some rest. I didn't really get any last night." I say with a grimace.

"Okay text me if you need someone to talk to at 2 am!" She jokes.

"Haha, very funny, I might just take you up on your offer." I warn.

We both get up and she hugs me tightly. "Call me when you get home so I know that you're safe!" She orders me.

I laugh airily and reply, "Alright, same goes for you!"

We walk to our own cars and she blows me a kiss which I counter with showing her my middle finger. She laughs and shakes her head at my actions.

I get in the car, turn on the radio, and head home to my (probably) fuming brother.


Note: Hello Lovelies! Thank you for reading! I reallyyy appreciate it! I have some updates written out but I need to fill in some blanks so hopefully I will be able to update soon! Have a great day! Goodnight!

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