Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning and jump out of bed, fueled by the excitement that flows through my veins as I remember my plans for today.

Me and Jenna have plans today!!! Yay!!

I rush to the bathroom before Blake can get there, knowing that I will take a century to get ready.


I finish curling my last strand of hair as I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.

I roll my eyes as Blake opens the door and leans against the door frame.

Crap, he trapped me! That jerk!!

I narrow my eyes at him. "Goodness, couldn't you at least have the decency to knock? I could have been in my underwear for all you know."

He looks down and mutters, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

I ignore his comment and turn back to the mirror. He decides to interrupt me as I'm putting on my last coat of mascara.

"So why are you getting all dressed up?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it just so happens that Jenna and I have plans today." I reply haughtily. He coughs and replies, "Well those will have to be canceled."

I stare him down. "It's not like we have anything important going on, so I don't see why."

He holds my stare and says 10 words that make my world fall apart. "I told Mom that we would come visit her today."

I stand there for what feels like a lifetime, gaping at him. He looks at me pityingly. "Look Erin, I told you yesterday that our conversation wasn't over. I just... decided to move things along before you could protest."

How could he betray me like this?! He's the only family I have left, he's..he's.. a backstabber!

I grit my teeth knowing that arguing with him wouldn't change his mind.

"Fine, but after this don't expect me to ever talk to her again!" I reply childishly.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I know that you think I'm betraying you by doing this- yes that's exactly what I think -but you need this, for closure at least."

After he realizes that I'm not going to respond he tells me to hurry and meet him in the car.

Well at least I already look amazing...


The drive to the mental institution was a long one. The air was full of tension and unspoken words, however I wouldn't give Blake the satisfaction of hearing me speak first. Even though he was mad at me he kept sending me concerned glances out of the the corner of his eye.

I finally got tired of it and snapped. "If you're so worried about me then why would you make me come here in the first place?!"

He chuckles before saying, "I see someone finally decided to speak."

I should have known he would find this amusing.

I shake my head and turn towards the window signaling that our short conversation was over. He grips the steering wheel tighter and sets his jaw. I smirk, knowing that he would break soon.

Soon after our short conversation I see the institution come into view. My hands start shaking as I think of all the things that could go wrong.

Maybe she'll hate us, maybe she'll scream at us to get out, heck maybe she won't even recognize us.

The sound of Blake's door opening pulls me out of my thoughts. As I get out of the car I realize that Blake is just as nervous as I am. My conscience tells to forgive him so we can be together in this, but my stubbornness wins out.

Before I can register what is happening we are walking up to the receptionist's desk.

After a quick glance at her she looks to be around my brother's age. "Hello there how may I help you?" She asks us in an up-beat voice.

How can she be so happy when she's working in a place full of miserable people?

My brother answers her and flashes her his usual flirty smile. She giggles and starts looking for the information we need. I zone out as they keep flirting and take a look around the room, trying to find any escape routes in case I end up needing them.

I spot a comfy looking couch hidden behind a large potted plant and decide that I will camp out there until our visit is over if I get too upset during the meeting. 

My gaze snaps back to the desk as the receptionist hands our visitor passes to Blake. As I start walking towards the elevator I see Blake slip a piece of paper to her and whisper, "Call me sometime."

I roll my eyes at his antics.

Always looking for some sugar.

We step into the elevator and Blake pushes the button for the 3rd floor. We stand in silence as the elevator slowly takes us up to our dreaded destination.


My heart speeds up as the doors open up to a white, sterile hallway. I take a deep breath and step out of the elevator.

Here goes nothing...


Phew, well now it's on to finally face their mom!
Things will start getting emotional in the next chapter..
Have a wonderful filled day lovelies!

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