Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to 3 special people! First, to DarkBriggan777 for always being there for me and supporting throughout my book! And second, to @Som3B0dyCall911   &  @EmoGirl92688 for reaching out and giving me a newfound energy to write my book! Thx loves 💞.

I feel a warm hand wrap around my shoulder and gently shake it, which pulls me out of my flashback immediately. As I become aware of my surroundings again I look up and see that the hand belongs to the one and only: Blake.

I let out a shuddering breath and quickly become aware of the tears running down my cheeks and the goose bumps covering my arms. I quickly wipe my tears away and snap back to my situation with Blake. Although I'm grateful that he stopped me from replaying more of my past, I'm still mad at him.

Gah! Can't he see that I'm still furious at him?! Then he has to go and be a caring older brother and make me feel guilty...

I shake my shoulder out of his grasp and walk ahead briskly. He quickly catches up to me due to his long legs.

"Look Erin, I know that you're mad at me, but I'm doing this for our own good. I know that me saying that makes no difference to you... I just want us to be back on good terms again. You don't have to forgive me right away because I know this is hard for you, but please just let me be able to be your big brother for at least today. I don't want you going through this alone."

I look at his pleading eyes and sigh in guilt.

"Blake, I appreciate you making an effort to be here for me and to make me feel safe since this obviously won't be easy for me, but you don't understand..... Look, let's just make it through this day okay?"

I quickly hug him, knowing that he was truly the only family that had ever actually cared about me.

He sighs in resignation before leading the way to our dreaded destination.

As we walk along the clean, sterile corridors I try to keep encouraging thoughts flowing through my mind.

Alright Erin, look at this facility, it's not so scary! There's just mental cases wandering around everywhere... and surroundings that trigger some of your worst memories...but it's gonna be alright!

I internally groan, even the little voice inside my head can't be encouraging!

Suddenly Blake stops in front of me and I trip over my own feet trying to stop.

He turns around and says 2 words that cause my heart to leap up into my throat : "It's time."

I peek around his body and see a steel metal door that looks not-at-all welcoming. Even as I get a sense of nausea, I try to coax my rushing heart back into it's normal rhythm.

What lays beyond this door will determine a part of my future. Either my mother will be healthy and happy again or she won't, either I will forgive her for her wrongdoings or I won't, either she will become a part of my life again or she won't, any of these will change my life in some way and that's what scares me. Ever since I was young I have dreaded one thing in life: change. Other people laugh and say I'm silly because change isn't always bad, sometimes it's very rewarding, but in my life change has only had a bad effect and I don't expect that to change now....

I shake myself out of my negative thoughts and see Blake's concerned look directed at me. I quickly put on a smile, which ends up looking more like a grimace.

He shakes his head at my terrible act of bravery and slides his hand into one of mine.

Secretly I'm glad for the extra feeling of security, but I would never admit that to him.

"Alright Rin, let's get this show on the road," Blake says jokingly.

No longer ashamed, I grasp onto his hand even tighter.

As we take our first steps into the room the first sound that meets my ears is a chilling female voice that says, "So you've finally come to see your dear mother?"


Hey guys! To be honest will all of my readers, I was planning to just give up on my book because it didn't really seem that anyone enjoyed it. That was until 2 very sweet readers reached out to me and asked me to update & you would not believe how happy those simple acts made me! :) So I'm continuing with my book! Comments & votes are definitely welcome!

He Saved MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon