Chapter 3

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I wake up to hear my brother speaking to someone on his phone.

I wiggle around a little and realize that I'm laying on my bed.

How the heck did I get back here?

"Blake?" I call out.

I hear his rushed footsteps coming down the hall towards my room. He busts open the door and comes over to my bed.

"Erin how are you feeling, are you alright?" He asks, obviously worried about me, although I'm not sure why.

Irritated, I reply, "I feel fine, but how exactly did I get back in my bed?"

"You don't remember what happened, Erin?" He asks shocked.

I snap at him, "No, so would you mind explaining what happened already!"

He hesitates before replying, "You fainted in the kitchen after I told you..erm.. after you finished eating your pancakes and I carried you up here to your bed. In fact, I was talking to your doctor when you called me in here."

I'm quiet for a second, trying to wrap my mind around what he just said.

"Blake...what did you tell me that made me faint?" I ask him warily.

He pinches the bridge of his nose before replying to my question, "Rin... Mom has requested for us to come visit her. She's doing much better now and is in a stable enough condition to talk to us now. I know how you feel about this. I feel the same way, but I think it's time that we talk to her. We have pushed the memories away for long enough, it's time to talk about it."

Suddenly all of the memories come flooding back. This morning, eating breakfast, Blake telling me this, as well as all of the past memories that I have tried to forget for so long. I snap my eyes shut and clench my fists, trying to block out all of the memories. However, they flood back in anyways..........


Currently editing chappies lovelies! 
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