Chapter 8

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  Recap: Blake and Erin reach the mental institution, they get the information they need and their visitor passes, they go up in the elevator to their mom's floor and finally step out of the elevator doors.



My heart speeds up as the doors open up to a white, sterile hallway. I take a deep breath and step out of the elevator.

Here goes nothing...

Our footsteps echo in the hallway as we walk towards our destination. I shudder as a wave of memories hits me. I remember the last time I was here...


I'm 12, and far from naive. I understand the full extent of the situation with my mom.

Life has made me bitter, took away my innocence, and ruined my childhood. Why couldn't my life have been normal? I just want to be normal...

Those are the only things that run through my mind as Blake and I walk down the white hallway, hand in hand. We rode here in the ambulance. I know that any other child in my position would have been sobbing by now, reveling in their pain. However all I felt was numb. The last thing I remember was walking into our house after school, trailing behind Blake while thinking about the answers to my homework. He stops in the kitchen and rummages through the fridge looking for something edible to eat. I walk past him and skip down the hallway, already excited to do my math homework.

Its the only thing that makes me feel normal anymore.

I skip past the bathroom, not paying any attention to my surroundings. However I stop skipping abruptly after seeing a hand laying in the floor out of the corner of my eye.

I slowly back towards the bathroom and brace myself for what I might see. But what I see is nothing I was expecting. I drop all of my school books and rush over to the body laying in the floor.

"Mom! Mom, please wake up! It's me, Erin." I shriek at the body as I see multiple pill bottles littering the floor.

I touch her face, I shake her body, and i try to sit her up but her weight overpowers me. However, there is no response from her.

"BLAKE!!" I shout out. "Blake, please help me, it's Mom!"

As I hear his footsteps pounding through the house I pick up her hand and hold it against my cheek. "Mom, mom please don't leave me. I need you. You can't leave us now! Even though you aren't always here for us, Blake and I need you here. Please wake up mom, please!" I sob.

Blake bursts into the bathroom and all the color drains from his face as he sees Mom lying on her back in the floor. "Erin, go call 911 immediately. Tell them the emergency and our address, there's no time to waste." Blake tells me in an terse voice.

As I run to the phone a scary thought crosses my young mind.

Blake is scared, but Blake is never scared... If he's scared that means that this is serious...Mom might die..

I call 911 in a daze and it isn't long until I hear sirens in the distance. As the sounds grow closer I rush back to the bathroom to tell Blake. "Blake..the ambulance is here." I tell him. He orders me to stay with mom before rushing out of the bathroom.

I sit on the floor and pull her head into my lap. I push her hair away from her face and try to remember my lessons from Sunday school when I was younger.

Dear God, please, please, please don't take my mom. I know that she would make a great addition to heaven but I need her here with me. Blake needs her too. She can't leave us now, and even if she doesn't always take care of us we still love her, please don't let her die. Please heal her and make her whole so that she can live. Amen.

As I finish my makeshift prayer 3 men rush into the bathroom, along with Blake.

"Young lady we are going to need you to move so that we can get your mom into the ambulance, okay?" One of the men says gently.

I nod dumbly and kiss Mom on the forehead before going and standing by Blake. We watch as they load her up on a stretcher and wheel her out of the house, to the ambulance. When they finish securing her in the ambulance one of the men rushes over to Blake and I. He asks us something, however I let the buzzing in my head consume me as I stare into the distance.

Blake does all of the talking for us and soon we are sitting in the front of the ambulance with the driver. I pull my legs into my chest as we start driving. Blake pulls me to his side, comforting me. I fall asleep with tears staining my cheeks...


A/N: Omm I am sooo sorry for not updating sooner! Not that any of you freak out when I don't update, but it makes me feel like I'm letting all of my readers down. I will try to post the next chapter soon! Also, feel free to message me or ask me questions. I am totally open to the idea of discussing the book with you all! Bye for now lovelies! <3

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