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[Pic of Aiden]

Daelynn's POV

When we got home, we unloaded the snacks. I sat the raw chicken wings on the counter so we could cook them later. Me, Naomi, and Kendra went downstairs, while the boys sat there and talked. I knocked on Kendra's door

Kendra: Who is it?

Daelynn: Ken-ken, it's us.

Naomi: Open up.

Kendra:*opens up door* What's up?

Naomi: We need to talk to you.

Daelynn: Yea. We feel that something's wrong.

Kendra: Ok.

I plopped down in the pretty pink fuzzy bean bag chair in the corner of her room, and Naomi sat in her spinning computer desk chair.

Daelynn: Start talkin'.

Kendra: About what?

Naomi: Well, we have some questions to ask you. And stuff.

Kendra: Like what?

Naomi: Are you scared of Mason?

Kendra: Why would you think that?

Kendra was really buggin' me with her damn stalling. So I stepped up.

Daelynn:*playfully* Kendra Janelle Collins!

Kendra:*chuckling* Whaaattt?

Us three best friends only called each other by our full names if we were serious; which sometimes, we rarely were.

Daelynn: Ok. And this is a really, really important question that we need an answer to, like pronto!

Naomi: Sooo......

Naomi & Daelynn: *at the same time* Are you scared of Mason?

Daelynn:* by herself* Don't get mad.

Kendra:*confused* Why do you guys think I'm scared of my boyfriend?

Daelynn: We think you might be scared of him because. ..

Naomi: We think he might scare you, and then you won't talk to us, your best friends, and tell us stuff like that.

Daelynn: Thank you, Naomi. Exactly. You know us three are supposed to share stuff like that.

Naomi: Yea.

Kendra: Here's the explanation. Ok. And I know you'll understand, hopefully.

Daelynn: Ok.

Naomi: We're waiting.

Kendra: I-I-I.... Never mind.

Naomi: What?

Daelynn: Kendra! Why are you so scared to tell us things like this?! We're your best friends! We're here for you! We're never gonna find out what's wrong with you if you keep delaying off the story!

Naomi: Mmm hmm.

Daelynn: Now please.

Kendra: I used to be scared that Mason would hit me. You know. Like Aiden and Aaron. ..*trails off*

Daelynn & Naomi: Yea.

Kendra: So I thought he'd do it. It had me really scared. Then I felt like such a bad friend, because I didn't help when you were getting abused. I thought that if I helped you guys fight off the boys, Mason would do like the boys did you. Daelynn, you know, when you jumped on Aaron for hitting Naomi, and how Aiden choked you for doing it. I thought if I had helped you jump on Aaron, or even jumped on Aiden for choking you, Mason would hit me.

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