A Second Dose

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Daelynn's POV

Us girls went to the bathroom and took care of business. We washed our hands and talked for a while. We heard voices, and we hid in stalls. We thought there was a teacher coming in the bathroom. We basically got away with anything at this college, unless it was really bad. If we were caught out of class when we were supposed to be in class, we'd get detention. I heard the door open and then close. I heard heels on the floor. I peeked through the slits between the bathroom door. It was Amanda, Michelle and Lauren. I rolled my eyes. I turned my phone all the way down so that I could text Kendra and Naomi without them knowing. I texted Naomi first.

Text Conversation

Daelynn: Hey Ni! Guess what?

Naomi: What?

Daelynn: Amanda, Michelle, and Lauren are in here.

Naomi:Oh. OK

Daelynn: Tell Kendra.

*5 minutes later*

Naomi: Ok. I did.

Daelynn: Ok. Listen to their conversation, and try not to make any sound.

Naomi: Ok.

Text Conversation Ends

After I texted Naomi, I put my phone in my sweatpants pocket. I put my ear to the bathroom stall door, careful not to make a sound. I also made sure that I could see what was going on outside the stall.

Michelle: You OK Amanda?

Amanda: Yea. I'm OK. She act like she actually did something. Like, if she doesn't sit her little short ass down somewhere!

Michelle: Yea

Lauren: *applying lip gloss in the bathroom mirror* The way it looks to me is that she basically whooped your ass with her foot. Ha ha!

Michelle: *side glares at Lauren with mascara applicator in her hand with mascara tube in another* Bitch. Some friend you are.

Amanda: Nah. It's OK. Letter gon' ahead and talk her shit. *rolls eyes at Lauren*

Lauren: Look! I'm just saying, and don't get me wrong; I'm still your best friend. But the reason you and Daelynn had that fight is because everyday you come up in the classroom dressed to impress. Believe me, you impress a lotta boys except the one you wanna impress. You see he didn't wanna talk to your ass and you still trying. Give da fuck up already! Like seriously. He don't want your ass. Didn't you learn that last year?

Amanda: Lemme tell you sum *steps to Lauren's face* This bitch *gestures to herself* right hea' don't give up.

Lauren: Finally you do, after no boy wanna deal with your ass.

Michelle: Lauren! Yo ass got high last night?

Lauren: Michelle, shut cho' ass up. You ain't gonna be real with her so I am. That's how true of a friend I am.

Michelle: Excuse me?!

Lauren: Your. Ass. Heard. Me. I said you ain't gonna be real with her so I am. That's what fuckin' true friends do. You; you don't act like that.

Michelle: Then what do I act like if I "supposedly don't" *finger quotations* act like a true friend?!

Lauren: You act like a damn lost ass puppy! You never give her advice. You follow her around like a damn puppy. That's what you act like.

Michelle: Whatever *rolls eyes, finishes applying makeup* Amanda, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you later. *walks out of restroom*

Amanda: That bitch crazy. Anyway, guess what?

This time I listened even more, waiting to hear what had happened.

Lauren: What?

Amanda: I set him up.

Lauren: Set who up?

Amanda: Aiden!

Lauren: Oh. What'd he do?

Amanda: Let's just say that he ignored me and that karma's a bitch.

Lauren: Oh. What'd you do?

Amanda: You know Peyton's brother?

Lauren: Uh, Christopher?

Amanda: Yea. So Aiden has a little sister. I think her name is Jaeydynn or something.

Lauren: Yea.

Amanda: So anyway, Christopher and Aiden's little sister dated. Yesterday something happened. Christopher beat the shit out of Jaeydynn.

What? Wait how did she know that? I just kept listening.

Lauren: Oh. Wow.

Amanda: I know right?! So anyway, I had walked by and seen it happen. I hid on the side of their house so they wouldn't see me. I taped it and then when Aiden, Aaron and Mason jumped on Chris, I called the police. So that's how I set him up.

Lauren: Oh wow.

Amanda: So yea. I set them up. Mostly Aiden and his bitch. So yea.

Lauren: Mmm.

I was so pissed off. This bitch just didn't know. She was gonna get a second dose. I quietly unlocked the stall. I waited until the bathroom was completely quiet. Before I beat Amanda's ass a second time, I texted Kendra and Naomi and told the to come out when they heard me yell. After I gave them the message, I put my phone away and counted to three in my head.

1 2 3!!!! I kicked the door open.

Daelynn: Bitch!

Amanda:*startled* What the he-- *gets cut off*

Daelynn: *jumps on Amanda*

Lauren: Crazy, psycho ass bitch! *gets in between Daelynn and Amanda* Why the fuck you always tryna fight?! Especially her!

Daelynn: I got every reason to beat her ass again!

Amanda: One day somebody gonna knock your little ass out!

Daelynn:*lunges at Amanda but fails*

Lauren: *still in between Amanda and Daelynn* Stop Daelynn!

Daelynn: *stops* Know what?! Ima stop for now, but just know karma's a bitch. *walks out bathroom with Kendra and Naomi*
So what do you think about this chapter? What about Amanda? And Lauren? Tell me what you think about Michelle. Vote and comment. And DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME AT MY PAGE.

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