Back In Ohio/ Graduation Practice

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Daelynn's POV

*One Week Later*

Hey! We're back in Ohio! We got back Monday morning, which was yesterday. And we didn't go to school, because we were tired. But today is Tuesday, and we went to school today. So here we are. For breakfast we ate eggs and bacon. Then we headed to college. Now we are sifting in Ms. James' class, listening to her lecture on graduation, which is now less than 2 months. Time is flying. We paid for our cap and gowns and now we are rehearsing the graduation in the college auditorium. It's gonna be huge. It's gonna be a graduation ceremony, then we have a party for the grads in the auditorium. It's gonna be huge. The band is gonna play music for us, such as the traditional Pomp and Circumstance. It's gonna be big, and I can't wait. Our cap and gown are green, our college colors. The young ladies are supposed to wear dresses under our gowns. And the boys can wear a shirt, ties, dress pants and shoes under theirs. So yea. For lunch, we went to Subway and dined outside on the college campus. We do that like all the time. Kendra ate lunch with Christian, and Mason had a fit. Again. But we're pretty used to it now. And nobody pays attention to him, but whatevs. Then, about 3-4 hours later, we got in the car and was driving home. And guess what? Kendra and Mason was arguing. I got tired of it, so that decided to say something.

Daelynn: Look, I'm tired of hearing you guys bicker like 5 year olds, when you're 19 year olds!

Mason: Actually, I'm 20.

Daelynn: I don't care! I'm tired of this.

Aaron: We all are.

Kendra: It's Mason, he always has something to say. I'm just minding my business and he just has to dig up the hatchet I thought we buried a long time ago!

Mason: If you wouldn't have did it, I wouldn't have to talk about it!

Daelynn: Kendra, just please apologize, so he can shut the hell up!

Kendra: I don't have anything to apologize for.

Mason: Yea. Christian didn't do anything wrong. Isn't that right, Kendra?

Kendra:*yelling* You know what?! Im so damn tired if you! Maybe we should just break up!

It was dead quiet. Until Aaron said....

Aaron: Ooouuu

Kendra: Shut the hell up.

Now it was dead quiet. When we got home, Kendra stormed up to her room, and slammed the door. Me and Naomi decided to cook. We cooked fried chicken wings, a Knorr rice side, cheesy macaroni, and some Knorr pasta. Naomi made two big pitchers of Tropical Punch Kool-Aid. I made 3 chocolate cakes and iced them with chocolate icing. Dinner and dessert was gonna be good tonight. 😋. We set up the table by setting the plates, cutlery (forks and spoons), and glass cups. Then we placed the food and Kool-Aid on the dining room table. And we laid out some napkins.

Daelynn: Dinner's ready!

Everyone came downstairs, except Mason. So I just fixed him a plate, and a cup of drink, and took it up to his room.

Mason: Thanks *takes the plate*

Daelynn: Welcome, and I made some chocolate cake.

Mason: Oh. I won't be eating any tonight.

Daelynn: Oh. Well, I hope you enjoy the meal.

Mason: I will

Daelynn: *closes the door and walks back downstairs*

I sat back downstairs, and we said grace. Then everyone began to eat, after they customized their plates with the food they wanted.

Aaron: This is really good.
Aiden: Yea.

Obviously it was really good, because Aaron and Aiden kept commenting on how good it was. We finished eating.

Daelynn: And I made some cake. Chocolate to be exact.

All (even Kendra): *cheer*

I sat the cake down and everyone got as many slices as they wanted. After all, I did make the cakes so we could enjoy it, right? We finished eating. Aiden and Aaron were on dish washing duty. They washed the dishes. Everyone showered and went to sleep. Mason slept on the living room sofa. Kendra kicked him out

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