Chapter 2

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Phil and I talked the rest of the way to Hogwarts. He seemed pretty nice. He said he shared a room with his best friend Chris.

"Where's Chris now?" I asked.

"He's probably with his boyfriend" Phil explained.

"Oh that's cool" I said. When we arrived at Hogwarts I walked with Phil to the boats. He was a 6th year and I was a 5th year.

"Do you know a boy in Slytherin named Dan?" I asked.

"Yes" Phil said "We used to be really good friends until he was sorted into Slytherin and met PJ" 

"Is Dan nice?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's probably the nicest person I know" Phil said "Well, except for you and Chris" 

When the boats were at the dock Phil and I got out and went inside. We waited for the sorting ceremony to begin. Just as we sat down two boys sat down next to us. 

"Hey Phil who's this?" they boy with light brown hair and brown eyes asked "Is this your girlfriend?"

"Hey Chris" Phil said "No she is not my girlfriend. This is Em. She's new"

"Well, Em it's nice to meet you. What year are you?" Chris asked.

"I'm a 5th year" I explained. 

"That's cool, my boyfriend Connor is a 5th year too" Chris explained and pointed to the boy sitting next to him "Oh and Phil, Connor is rooming with us"

"That's great!" Phil said. It was genuine, not sarcastic. Just after he said that a bunch of first years walked in. They looked terrified. Hufflepuff only got four new people and they were all boys. Slytherin and Ravenclaw got the most people. When the sorting ceremony was over we ate dinner and then walked back to our common rooms. On our way Professor Mcgonagall stopped me and Phil.

"Miss. Buchanan, I am afraid that all the girl rooms are taken up" she said.

"Where should I sleep?" I asked.

"Well, I trust Mr. Lester" she said gesturing towards Phil "So I'll let you room with him". Phil looked at me and smiled.

"But if you give me a reason not to I'll have to move you to a room of your own" she said. 

"You can trust me. It'll be okay" Phil said reassuring her.

"I hope you have a great time at Hogwarts" Professor Mcgonagall said to me. 

"Thank you, I'm sure I will" I said and she smiled and left. Phil helped me find the Hufflepuff common room.

"You have to knock on the door to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff to be let in" Phil explained. He knocked on the door and the door swung open. 

"Me, Chris, and Connor are in the room down the left hall" Phil explained "It's right at the end and to the left". Phil and I walked to the room and when I got there my bags were already on a bed and Chris and Connor were kissing. 

"Get a room you too!" Phil shouted jokingly and threw a pillow at them. They laughed and looked at us. 

"We do have a room" Chris said and smiled. Phil rolled his eyes and said

"Em is rooming with us since there is no more room in the girls dorm"

"Professor Mcgonagall actually let a girl room with guys. That's a first" Connor said.

"She trusts us" Phil said while I began to unpack.

"Why?" Chris said, again joking around.

"You guys joke around a lot don't you?" I said and smiled.

"Yeah, we do" Phil said "Let me help you unpack"

"Okay" I said. Phil began to help then Chris and Connor joined in. I unpacked my clothes while they helped unpack my posters, books, and school supplies. We had my stuff put up in about 20 minutes. That night I went to sleep and dreamed about what life at Hogwarts was gonna be like.

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