Chapter 10

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Dan's Pov

Em went pale and she looked out at the forbidden forest. Phil was running towards us and when he stopped he said,

"Em, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I got distracted by an animal" she said. I could hear it in her voice. She was lying. I decided to leave it alone. I had to get back to the Slytherin common room. I had a whole bunch of homework to do. Hopefully PJ wouldn't be there yet. I was never sure of where he went after Quidditch practice, but he was always gone until sunset. I got changed back into my school robes and walked to the common room. When I got there PJ was sneaking up to our room. He was covered in leaves and his shoes were muddy. Where had he been that he could've gotten that muddy. I snuck upstairs behind him. I was careful not to let him know I was there. I waited for PJ to go into the room and I peeked through the door.

"Everything's going according to plan" he said as he wrote in a journal. 

"No, they don't know anything"

"That American girl doesn't know what's coming". I stumbled backwards in shock. There were only two American transfers this year, Em and a girl in Ravenclaw. Slytherin and Ravenclaw get along well so I didn't think he was talking about the Ravenclaw girl. I looked through the crack in the door again but I didn't see PJ. Suddenly, the door opened causing me to fall to the ground.

"What did you hear?!" he shouted.

"Oh nothing, except the fact that you're gonna do something to Em" I said and got to my feet. 

"You aren't gonna tell her anything" PJ said.

"Try me" I taunted. He lunged at me and began to punch me but right at that moment McGonagall walked in and pulled him off of me. 

"Mr. Liguori, go to my office now" she said "and Mr. Howell, I suggest you clean up your wounds then meet me in my office right after". McGonagall and PJ left and I cleaned my face. I then walked to McGonagall's office and sat in a chair next to PJ.

"PJ, I want to hear your side of the story first" McGonagall said. 

"Well you see, headmaster, I was just walking up to mine and Dan's room and just attacked me out of no where" PJ said. I was about to object but McGonagall said,

"Okay now Dan, I want to hear your side of the story" 

"I was walking up to our room and I heard PJ talking to someone and saying something about doing something to possibly harm Em. At least that's what it sounded like". McGonagall nodded and took out her wand and took us back to when all of this happened. We stayed out of sight of our past selves while McGonagall listened to what was going on. I saw PJ lunge at me and punch me. When passed McGonagall showed up we all were zapped back to her office.

"Dan, go back to the dormitory. I need to have a word with PJ" she said. I left but I used magic to make myself invisible and listened in on their conversation. I heard McGonagall say that PJ was suspended for a week and he would have to go home for the week. I was finally happy that PJ got what he deserved. I decided to go to the library while PJ packed to avoid anymore problems. When I saw him walk passed the library door I went back to the dormitories. I pondered weather I should send a letter to Em telling her what happened and about his plans to possibly hurt her. I ended up doing nothing because I didn't know for sure yet. I went to sleep that night and had a nightmare about PJ trying to bring Voldemort back. I woke up and decided that the next day at Quidditch practice I would tell Em what happened between me and PJ. 

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