Chapter 11

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Phil's POV

Em, Chris, Connor, and I were hanging out in our common room. Chris had been trying to get us to play truth or dare. I was the only one disagreeing because I knew what Chris would ask me if I said truth. Em finally asked me to play truth or dare with them and gave me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't say no. We all got into a circle and Em started off asking Chris "Truth or dare?". Chris picked dare and Em went over to her bed and grabbed a bag that looked like it had something gummy in it. 

"I dare you to eat one of these" she said and held the bag so Chris couldn't see the label. He took two and as soon as he ate them he started to go red in the face. 

"Good god, what were those" Chris said. They must have been spicy.

"Ghost pepper gummy bears" she said laughing. Her laugh was cute. Chris then turned towards me and asked "Truth or Dare". I didn't know what to choose, either way it was Chris, so I knew it was going to be bad. 

"Dare" I picked. 

"I dare you to kiss Em" he said. Em turned towards me and we kissed. She didn't look bothered by it, but I could tell it didn't mean anything to her.

"I'll be back" I said and stood up and left. I wiped a tear off of my face as I went to our room. I sat on the floor with my back against the door and began to cry. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's just Em" she said. I got up and let her in.

"Phil, what's wrong? Is this about the kiss" she asked. I nodded and turned away from her.

"If it made you uncomfortable you should-"

"I wasn't uncomfortable with it, it's just that you know it was a dare and didn't mean anything" I said.

"Well, did you want it to mean something?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, because I like you" I replied "As more than a friend"

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