Chapter 8

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Em's Pov

When Phil ran off the Phil I followed him to see where he was going. After he punched PJ he looked like he was about to cry. I saw him turn a corner then everything was silent. I heard a voice. I soon recognized it as PJ's. I ran around the corner and saw Phil and PJ. PJ punched Phil and when he was on the ground, began to kick him. I quickly ran to PJ and punched him in the nose. I think I may have broke it because it started bleeding. PJ ran away but not before he shouted,

"I'll get you guys one day, just you wait!" I went to help Phil up but he couldn't stand. I conjured a wheelchair and helped him into it. 

"How did you do that?" he asked through his tears.

"They taught us how to do medical things like this at Ilvermorny" I explained. I took Phil to the nurse. When she asked what happened to him we explained what PJ did. She said she would talk to Professor Mcgonagall and would make sure PJ got in trouble for what he did. Phil's leg was broken and he had a few bruises. The nurse said he would be okay in no time and that he would be completely healed in 2 days. This is why I love magic. When the nurse left to talk to Professor Mcgonagall I turned to Phil and asked,

"What if PJ tells on me for punching him in the nose?" 

"Don't worry I used a memory charm on him when you weren't looking, he won't remember who did it" Phil explained.

"Thank you" I said "Why were you crying when you ran off the Quidditch field?"

"I wasn't crying because of my anxiety" Phil said "I was worried about what PJ was going to do. I was worried that he was going to hurt you". I was worried about Phil. I wanted to stay with him the rest of the night but the nurse said I had to go back to my room. When I got to the room Connor and Chris were there.

"Where's Phil?" Chris asked.

"He's in the hospital wing, PJ kicked him in the leg and broke his leg" I explained. I also explained everything leading up to that.

"I hope PJ gets detention with Mr. Filch. He deserves it" Connor said. 

"I hope he gets suspended" Chris says "He's hurt other people over the years" 

"What else has he done?" I asked. Chris and Connor told me about how in their first year PJ had almost made a girl drown because he pushed her in the lake and she couldn't swim. Their second year PJ put a snake in some poor Gryffindor's bed. He did many other horrible things but has never gotten in trouble over it because there was no proof that he did those things. I hoped he got in trouble but I knew I wouldn't know until the next day. I went to bed that night and fell asleep with no trouble. Phil would be back tomorrow and I needed to talk to him about something. The nurse promised to heal him over night and that he would be okay by morning. That night I had the same dream I did before about Voldemort. I was beginning to get worried and I needed Phil to help me find out what my dreams meant. 

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