Chapter 12

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Em's POV
     "Because I like you" Phil said "as more than a friend". I stood there for a minute with a shocked expression on my face. Phil liked me. I liked Dan. Phil was like a brother to me.
      "Em, please say something" he said.
"Phil, I don't feel the same way. I like you as a friend. You're like a brother to me" I explained. Phil looked heart broken. He turned away from me and ran out the door.

"Phil wait!" I shouted and ran down the steps. When I got to the common room Phil wasn't there but Chris and Connor looked confused. I gave them a look that told them 'I'll explain later' and ran out of the common room. I looked over the banester and saw that Phil was already half  way down the stairs. I apperated down the stairs (they taught that at Ilvermory) and caught Phil just as he was about to leave the castle. He pushed me down and said through tears,

"Please just leave me alone". Phil ran out the door and as I got up I realized where he was going. My thought was confirmed when I saw him run into the forbidden forest. I apparated again and was immediately in the middle of the forest. I heard something moving out in the forest. I looked all around me and no one was there. When I turned again I saw Pj standing behind me...

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